redsolution/xabber classic
%1$s changed status: %2$s
%1$s changed status: %2$s
%1$s のステータスが変更されました: %2$s -
%1$s joined conference
%1$s joined conference
%1$s が会議に参加しました -
%1$s was kicked
%1$s was kicked
%1$s が蹴られました -
Chat %1$d of %2$d
Chat %1$d of %2$d
チャット %1$d / %2$d -
%1$s cleared status text
%1$s cleared status text
%1$s がステータスのテキストをクリアしました -
Contact is not available
Contact is not available
連絡先が利用可能ではありません -
File not found
File not found
ファイルが見つかりません -
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s が話題を変更しました: %2$s -
%1$s left chat
%1$s left chat
%1$s がチャットを離れました -
%1$s was banned
%1$s was banned
%1$s は禁止されました -
%1$s changed nickname to %2$s
%1$s changed nickname to %2$s
%1$s がニックネームを %2$s に変更しました -
You have joined chat as %1$s
You have joined chat as %1$s
あなたは %1$s としてチャットに参加しています -
%1$s was kicked by %2$s
%1$s was kicked by %2$s
%1$s は %2$s によって蹴られました -
%1$s was banned by %2$s
%1$s was banned by %2$s
%1$s は %2$s によって禁止されました -
You have joined chat %1$s
You have joined chat %1$s
あなたはチャット %1$s に参加しています -
Invitation was sent to %s
Invitation was sent to %s
%s に招待状を送信しました -
Invitation was not received by %s
Invitation was not received by %s
%s は招待状を受け取っていません -
Invite to chat
Invite to chat
チャットに招待する -
Your messages can not be delivered. Please join chat
Your messages can not be delivered. Please join chat
あなたのメッセージは配送できません. チャットに参加してください -
%1$s is now online
%1$s is now online
%1$s がオンラインになりました
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