redsolution/xabber classic
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Clear text
Wyczyść tekst -
Retry sending
Retry sending
Ponowne wysyłanie -
Cytuj -
Kopiuj -
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Remove from history
Usuń z archiwum -
%1$s changed status: %2$s
%1$s changed status: %2$s
%1$s zmienił status: %2$s -
%1$s joined conference
%1$s joined conference
Dołączył %1$s -
%1$s was kicked
%1$s was kicked
%1$s został wyrzucony -
Chat %1$d of %2$d
Chat %1$d of %2$d
Rozmowa %1$d z %2$d -
%1$s cleared status text
%1$s cleared status text
%1$s usunął opis -
Contact is not available
Contact is not available
Kontakt nie jest dostępny -
File not found
File not found
Plik nie został odnaleziony -
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s has changed the subject to: %2$s
%1$s zmienił temat: %2$s -
%1$s left chat
%1$s left chat
%1$s opuścił rozmowę -
%1$s was banned
%1$s was banned
zbanowano %1$s -
%1$s changed nickname to %2$s
%1$s changed nickname to %2$s
%1$s zmienił pseudonim na %2$s -
You have joined chat as %1$s
You have joined chat as %1$s
Dołączyłeś do rozmowy jako %1$s -
%1$s was kicked by %2$s
%1$s was kicked by %2$s
%1$s został wyrzucony przez %2$s -
%1$s was banned by %2$s
%1$s was banned by %2$s
%1$s został zbanowany przez %2$s -
You have joined chat %1$s
You have joined chat %1$s
Dołączyłeś do rozmowy %1$s
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