redsolution/xabber classic
No active chats
No active chats
Inga aktiva chattar -
Active chats
Active chats
Aktiva chattar -
No groups
No groups
Inga grupper -
You don't have any accounts
You don't have any accounts
Du har inga konton -
Add account
Add account
Lägg till konto -
Accounts disabled
Accounts disabled
Konton inaktiverade -
Manage accounts
Manage accounts
Hantera konton -
Waiting for connection...
Waiting for connection...
Väntar på anslutning... -
Anslut igen -
No online accounts
No online accounts
Inga konton online -
Go online
Go online
Anslut -
Ansluter... -
Ansluten. -
You have no contacts
You have no contacts
Du har inga kontakter -
Add contact
Add contact
Lägg till kontakt -
Nobody online
Nobody online
Ingen är online -
Show offline contacts
Show offline contacts
Visa offlinekontakter -
Rename group
Rename group
Byt namn på grupp -
Delete group
Delete group
Radera grupp -
Do you really want to delete group %s? Users from this group will stay in contact list.
Do you really want to delete group %s? Users from this group will stay in contact list.
Vill du verkligen radera gruppen %s? Användarna från gruppen blir kvar i kontaktlistan.
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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