wan dyer
that all of those emotions that you experience the rage and the hate and anger and the bitterness. The tension stress and all that emotional baggage that we carry around with us comes from I thought it's like when you're in a dream in your sound asleep or you're having a dream and everything is in thought when you're in your dream. Perhaps you're having an angry exchange with someone in your dream and you're handing them an ear and you're biting and you're punching them and you scream and you're scratching at them and I mean and you wake up and you look back on the dream you realize it was all thought. I mean everything was not I mean the character that you're in fighting with the thought and the scratching and the hitting that all thought and then it's just all going on in your mind and you look at yourself and you realize that you're breathing hard your blood pressure is up and that you know your jobs may be clenched and your fist may be clenched and it's and there's a tightness about you and that all came from thought and it's like an illusion. I mean the real cause of it wasn't the person because the person thought the real cause of all of this stuff that you're experiencing in your body right now as you as you're awake looking back on this day was just thoughts created all that your thoughts can make your blood pressure go up. Your thoughts can make your skin flush it can give you an ulcer. It can make you cry. Can make you rage and it can make you a killer robots. That's within each one of us. So that when you discover that and that's one of the beauties of knowing why you dream or mean everything that you do in that state you're capable of doing in the awakened state if you will and so you look at the awakened state and you look at the things that make you angry and you realize that they're just thoughts that he doesn't really make you angry. He can't you make yourself angry over your way of processing who he is
that all of those emotions that you experience the rage and the hate and anger and the bitterness. The tension stress and all that emotional baggage that we carry around with us comes from I thought it's like when you're in a dream in your sound asleep or you're having a dream and everything is in thought when you're in your dream. Perhaps you're having an angry exchange with someone in your dream and you're handing them an ear and you're biting and you're punching them and you scream and you're scratching at them and I mean and you wake up and you look back on the dream you realize it was all thought. I mean everything was not I mean the character that you're in fighting with the thought and the scratching and the hitting that all thought and then it's just all going on in your mind and you look at yourself and you realize that you're breathing hard your blood pressure is up and that you know your jobs may be clenched and your fist may be clenched and it's and there's a tightness about you and that all came from thought and it's like an illusion. I mean the real cause of it wasn't the person because the person thought the real cause of all of this stuff that you're experiencing in your body right now as you as you're awake looking back on this day was just thoughts created all that your thoughts can make your blood pressure go up. Your thoughts can make your skin flush it can give you an ulcer. It can make you cry. Can make you rage and it can make you a killer robots. That's within each one of us. So that when you discover that and that's one of the beauties of knowing why you dream or mean everything that you do in that state you're capable of doing in the awakened state if you will and so you look at the awakened state and you look at the things that make you angry and you realize that they're just thoughts that he doesn't really make you angry. He can't you make yourself angry over your way of processing who he is
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