Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
If you like our app we'll be more than happy to see your rating and comment in the store. High ratings help apps become more popular. We regularly read and analyse all comments in the store in order to improve our apps.
If you like our app we'll be more than happy to see your rating and comment in the store. High ratings help apps become more popular. We regularly read and analyse all comments in the store in order to improve our apps.
Dacă vă place aplicația noastră vă rugăm sa o evaluați pe magazin și să lăsați un comentariu. Rating-ul ridicat ajută aplicația să devină populară. Adesea citim și analizăm comentariile din magazin pentru a putea îmbunătății aplicația. -
À vérifier
Lock screen button description - when pressed screen will be locked so it won't rotate when device is rotated.
Lock screen rotationLock screen rotation
Ecran de blocare -
À vérifier
Unlock screen button description - when pressed screen will be unlocked so it will rotate when device is rotated.
Unlock screen rotationUnlock screen rotation
Deblocare ecran
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