Fulmine Software/Night Mode
Protect your eyes
Protect your eyes
Protexe a túa vista -
When using your device at night or in twilight, even minimum screen brightness may tire your eyes. Switch to Night Mode to activate additional screen brightness reduction through a dedicated dim filter as well as through the main blue light filter.
When using your device at night or in twilight, even minimum screen brightness may tire your eyes. Switch to Night Mode to activate additional screen brightness reduction through a dedicated dim filter as well as through the main blue light filter.
Cando usas o teu dispositivo pola noite ou ao solpor mesmo un brillo mínimo da pantalla pode provocar fatiga na túa vista. Activa o modo nocturno para engadir unha redución adicional dese brillo grazas a un filtro atenuado específico, así como a través do filtro de luz azul principal. -
Do not disturb others
Do not disturb others
Non molestas a ninguén máis -
If you sleep next to another person or use your device in places where screen light may disturb others, then this app is for you.
If you sleep next to another person or use your device in places where screen light may disturb others, then this app is for you.
Se dormes con outra persoa ou utilizas o teu dispositivo cuxa luz pode molestar a alguén, esta aplicación está pensada para ti. -
Read comfortably in bed
Read comfortably in bed
Lectura confortable desde a cama -
If you are a night owl who use your mobile in bed for Internet browsing or reading, this app can prevent the screen from turning off, and lock screen rotation to any desired orientation, even upside down.
If you are a night owl who use your mobile in bed for Internet browsing or reading, this app can prevent the screen from turning off, and lock screen rotation to any desired orientation, even upside down.
Se adoitas trasnoitar e usas o teu dispositivo na cama para ler ou navegar, esta aplicación evita que a pantalla se apague, bloquea a súa rotación na posición desexada, mesmo estando boca abaixo. -
Switch quickly
Switch quickly
Alterna rapidamente entre un modo e outro -
Just shake your device to enter Night Mode and vice versa. It's an optional feature switched on/off in the app settings.
Just shake your device to enter Night Mode and vice versa. It's an optional feature switched on/off in the app settings.
Simplemente con abanear o dispositivo entra en Modo Noite e viceversa. Trátase dunha funcionalidade opcional da aplicación dispoñible nos seus axustes. -
For Nougat users it's possible to add Quick Settings Tile to quickly shift to Night Mode.
For Nougat users it's possible to add Quick Settings Tile to quickly shift to Night Mode.
Os usuarios de Nougat poden engadir un axuste rápido para ter a man alternar e abandonar o modo nocturno. -
Automatic scheduler can enter Night Mode on a preferred time. For example, activate at twilight and deactivate in the morning.
Automatic scheduler can enter Night Mode on a preferred time. For example, activate at twilight and deactivate in the morning.
O programador automático pode activar o modo nocturno nun horario específico. Por exemplo, activalo ao solpor e desactivalo ao amencer. -
Save battery
Save battery
Aforra batería -
Night Mode lowers battery power consumption by reducing blue light and screen brightness. Screen brightness may even be reduced below the minimum factory level.
Night Mode lowers battery power consumption by reducing blue light and screen brightness. Screen brightness may even be reduced below the minimum factory level.
Modo Noite aforra batería porque reduce a luz azul e o brillo da pantalla, este último mesmo pode reducirse por baixo do nivel mínimo de fábrica. -
Personalización -
Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
Modo Noite dispón de moitas posibilidades que permiten personalizar a aplicación: filtro da luz azul e da temperatura de cor, intensidade, sensibilidade do abaneo, visibilidade das notificacións, establecer pausas de uso, temas e moito máis. -
Permisos -
Run at startup – to allow scheduling and preserve filter on/off state during device restart.
Run at startup – to allow scheduling and preserve filter on/off state during device restart.
Execución ao inicio - para preservar a programación logo dun reinicio do dispositivo. -
Network access – to allow bug reporting (optional) and showing ads (not many).
Network access – to allow bug reporting (optional) and showing ads (not many).
Acceso á rede, para permitir enviar informes de erros (opcional) e mostrar algunha (non moita) publicidade. -
Draw over other apps – required to overlay the blue light filter.
Draw over other apps – required to overlay the blue light filter.
Accessibility Service
Accessibility Service
The app will ask you to enable the accessibility service.
The app will ask you to enable the accessibility service.