Fulmine Software/Night Mode
Blue light is a part of the light spectrum, which according to the latest research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles. Blue light is emitted by many sources including screens on smartphones, tablets, TVs and other electronic devices.
Blue light is a part of the light spectrum, which according to the latest research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles. Blue light is emitted by many sources including screens on smartphones, tablets, TVs and other electronic devices.
Sinar biru merupakan bagian sprektrum cahaya, berdasarkan pada penelitian terkini bahwa sinar biru meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan dapat mempengaruhi siklus tidur dan bangun alami Anda. Sinar biru dikeluarkan oleh banyak sumber termasuk layar pada ponsel pintar, tablet, TV dan perangkan elektronik lainnya. -
Color temperature
Color temperature
Temperatur warna -
Color temperature is a way of measuring the light spectrum. Lower color temperatures are considered better for your sleep. Temperatures above 3500 K are better for working. Blue light belongs to the higher color temperatures.
Color temperature is a way of measuring the light spectrum. Lower color temperatures are considered better for your sleep. Temperatures above 3500 K are better for working. Blue light belongs to the higher color temperatures.
Temperatur warna merupakan cara mengukur sprektum cahaya. Temperatur warna terendah sangat baik untuk tidur Anda. Temperatur diatas 3500 K bagus untuk bekerja. Cahaya biru bergantung pada tingkat temperatur warna. -
Below are examples of color temperatures emitted by various light sources:
Below are examples of color temperatures emitted by various light sources:
Berikut beberapa contoh temperatur warna yang dikeluarkan oleh berbagai sumber cahaya: -
1700 K – Match flame
1700 K – Match flame
1700 K - Korek api -
1840 K – Candle flame
1840 K – Candle flame
1840 - Api lilin -
2000 K – Sunset or sunrise
2000 K – Sunset or sunrise
2000 K - matahari terbit / terbenam -
2500 K – 40W classic, incadescent light bulb
2500 K – 40W classic, incadescent light bulb
2500 L - 40W klasik, cahaya lampu bohlam -
3000 K – Fluorescent light or halogen
3000 K – Fluorescent light or halogen
3000 K - Lampu fluorescent atau halogen -
3500 K – Sunlight shortly before sunset (golden hour)
3500 K – Sunlight shortly before sunset (golden hour)
3500 K - Sinar matahari sebelum terbenam (golden hour) -
4100 K – Moonlight
4100 K – Moonlight
4100 K - Cahaya bulan -
4300 K – Late afternoon sunlight
4300 K – Late afternoon sunlight
4300 K - sinar matahari menjelang malam -
Advanced features of this app
Advanced features of this app
Fitur mutakhir aplikasi ini -
1. Blue light filter with adjustable color temperature and intensity
1. Blue light filter with adjustable color temperature and intensity
1. Filter sinar biru dengan temperatur dan intensitas warna yang bisa diatur. -
2. Extra screen dimming
2. Extra screen dimming
2. Ekstra redup layar -
3. Shake device to switch night mode on or off!
3. Shake device to switch night mode on or off!
3. Guncang perangkat untuk berganti mode malam nyala atau mati! -
4. Keep screen on and lock screen orientation to comfortably browse the Internet from your bed
4. Keep screen on and lock screen orientation to comfortably browse the Internet from your bed
4. Layar tetap menyala dan mengunci orientasi layar untuk kenyamanan berselancar internet di kamar Anda. -
5. Quick Settings Tile easily switches night mode on or off
5. Quick Settings Tile easily switches night mode on or off
5. Ubin Pengaturan Cepat dengan mudah beralih mode malam nyala atau mati. -
… discover more!
… discover more!
… temukan lebih banyak lagi! -
Developing and maintaining this app takes much time. If you like it, please rate it by leaving a positive comment or by purchasing the Pro version.
Developing and maintaining this app takes much time. If you like it, please rate it by leaving a positive comment or by purchasing the Pro version.
Membangun dan mengembangkan aplikasi ini sangat menyita waktu. Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi ini, berilah peringkat dan meninggalkan komentar positif atau dengan membeli versi Pro.