

  1. You have been using the app %1$s for %2$s days. Would you consider supporting the developer by upgrading to PRO version?
    You have been using the app %1$s for %2$s days. Would you consider supporting the developer by upgrading to PRO version?

    You have been using the app %1$s for %2$s days. Would you consider supporting the developer by upgrading to PRO version?

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Utilizaţi aplicaţia %1$s de %2$s zile. Vreţi să luaţi în considerare sprijinirea autorul prin upgrade la versiunea PRO?
    Utilizaţi aplicaţia %1$s de %2$s zile. Vreţi luaţi în considerare sprijinirea autorul prin upgrade la versiunea PRO?
    modifié via l’API .
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