European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Contacts with and hiding left-wing conspirators
In Vilnius before the war, there was a group of young people supporting the Left wing.
Sztachelski was one of them, who here after the war went into the Health Ministry – straight Away.
Jędrychowki the ex-leader of the planning board,
Zeromska, Mucha Zeromska, who married Kazik Namysłowski,
Muta Dziewicka, Irena Dziewicka, that was the group of six or seven young people.
I did not stay in touch with those people mostly because they were older than me.
By the way, I was at school for a very short time,
so I did not know a typical school life.
I did not know anybody and did not have any contacts.
The interesting fact was that they all were at the Nazareth Sisters School
or the Jesuit School,
boys were from the Jesuits, girls from the Sisters of Nazareth.
So when the Germans came,
Mucha Zeromska, Namysłowska, Namysłowski and some other people,
were against the Germans, they were plotting against the Germans and those contact spots were exactly at their place.
Sometimes they were seriously at risk, the Namysłowki family asked us to let Zbyszek live at my place together
with his grandma – Mucha`s mother.
Poles, as Poles, had nothing to do with Jews.
It was a new danger.
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