European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
there was this very good 16th Zawisza Czarny Warsaw Scout Team.
Soon after that, the instructors from this team told our head teacher
that they wanted to recruit some people in our school.
And naturally they started in my class
and me and my schoolmates from other classes became members of this team.
Of course, we weren’t told what kind of team it was and where its headquarters was.
We weren’t told anything about this.
But they told us a great deal about conspiracy.
We didn’t know what it meant,
but our team leader, Michał Sianorzecki, who was killed in the Warsaw Uprising,
thought that it was very important for us to know what it was all about and told us a lot about it.
There was democracy in our organization and the troop council decided, because all our instructors belonged to the Home Army,
our troop to be part of the Szare Szeregi [Gray Ranks - the underground paramilitary Polish Scouting Association].
And me, very soon, I got into the BS, i.e. Combat School.
There were boys from more or less 15 years of age till 18.
Later you had the GS, i.e. the assault groups with boys between 17, 18 and twenty something.
This is where they had the squads like ‘Zośka’, ‘Parasol’, ‘Miotła’, some sabotage troops.
They did not want us in sabotage, we were too young.
Our scout authorities made it clear not to get us into sabotage.
Naturally, we cheated them a bit with how old we were.
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