European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
The newspaper
The newspaper
Die Redaktion -
In the meantime I had composed a poem
In the meantime I had composed a poem
In der Zwischenzeit hatte ich ein Gedicht geschrieben -
about the partisan courier.
about the partisan courier.
über die Partisanen-Stafette. -
Shall I recite it for you?
Shall I recite it for you?
Soll ich es euch vortragen? -
It's called "Garibaldina".
It's called "Garibaldina".
Das Gedicht heißt "Garibaldina": -
O hero walking with courage,
O hero walking with courage,
"Heldin, die mutig und flink -
along the steep roads and horrible paths
along the steep roads and horrible paths
über steile Straßen und schreckliche Wege läuft, -
you have something in your proud looks,
you have something in your proud looks,
du hast etwas in deinen stolzen Augen, -
that recalls the mother, the bride, the sister.
that recalls the mother, the bride, the sister.
es erinnert an Mutter, Frau und Schwester. -
Simple are your hair and your skirt,
Simple are your hair and your skirt,
Schmucklos sind die Haare und der Rock, -
your thoughts are on struggle and uneasiness
your thoughts are on struggle and uneasiness
deine Gedanken gelten dem Kampf und den Nöten: -
you don't rest on candid pillows,
you don't rest on candid pillows,
Du ruhst nicht in sauberen Kissen,
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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