European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
they had a cave so they also had TNT, mines, gunpowder…
they had a cave so they also had TNT, mines, gunpowder…
die hatten da einen Steinbruch und deshalb auch TNT, Minen, also Sprengstoff... -
We prepared the holes and then blew up a large arch of a very big bridge in Cinque Cerri.
We prepared the holes and then blew up a large arch of a very big bridge in Cinque Cerri.
Wir haben die Löcher vorbereitet und dann einen großen Brückenbogen gesprengt von dieser sehr großen Brücke in Cinque Cerri... -
Then we left for the mountains. From that day I was in battle.
Then we left for the mountains. From that day I was in battle.
Danach sind wir hoch in die Berge und von diesem Tag an war ich im Kampf. -
We went to the headquarters in Lama Golese, on the Cusna mountain.
We went to the headquarters in Lama Golese, on the Cusna mountain.
Wir gingen zum Sitz des Kommandos in Lama Golese, unterhalb des Monte Cusna. -
Pasquale Marconi was there, a teacher from Castelnovo Monti, who was a Christian Democrat, a catholic anyway.
Pasquale Marconi was there, a teacher from Castelnovo Monti, who was a Christian Democrat, a catholic anyway.
Da war das Kommando, mit Pasquale Marconi, ein Arzt aus Castelnovo Monti, Christdemokrat, Katholik jedenfalls; -
Then there were Eros, Miro, a Jewish doctor who was from Jugoslavia.
Then there were Eros, Miro, a Jewish doctor who was from Jugoslavia.
auch "Eros" war da und "Miro", und ein jüdischer Arzt, der wohl Jugoslawe war. -
We spent a few days there.
We spent a few days there.
Wir verbrachten ein paar Tage dort, -
It was a sort of recruitment, but we didn’t have enough weapons;
It was a sort of recruitment, but we didn’t have enough weapons;
das war eine Art Basis für frisch Rekrutierte, aber es gab wenige Waffen; -
we were waiting for Allied air drops that didn’t take place,
we were waiting for Allied air drops that didn’t take place,
man wartete auf Fallschirmabwürfe durch die Alliierten, aber sie kamen nicht, -
so they sent four of us back to Ligonchio.
so they sent four of us back to Ligonchio.
also schickten sie vier von uns zurück nach Ligonchio. -
We went to Ligonchio and there really was a crowd of partisans there.
We went to Ligonchio and there really was a crowd of partisans there.
Wir kamen nach Ligonchio und fanden dort jede Menge Partisanen vor, -
Unfortunately, not all of them were armed.
Unfortunately, not all of them were armed.
aber leider waren nicht alle bewaffnet. -
More partisans came, who wanted to fight, to enrol.
More partisans came, who wanted to fight, to enrol.
Der Zustrom von Jugendlichen, die kämpfen und Partisanen werden wollten, war größer als die Anzahl Waffen, -
More than weapons dropped from the sky or taken during attacks to the German garrisons.
More than weapons dropped from the sky or taken during attacks to the German garrisons.
die mit Fallschirmen abgeworfen oder bei Angriffen auf deutsche Stützpunkte erbeutet wurden. -
I was luckier than others, since I was given an English machine gun, a Sten gun, which was quite short.
I was luckier than others, since I was given an English machine gun, a Sten gun, which was quite short.
Ich hatte mehr Glück als andere, denn ich bekam eine englische Maschinenpistole, eine Sten. Eine recht kurze Waffe. -
You could disassemble it in three pieces and hide it, and put it together quickly.
You could disassemble it in three pieces and hide it, and put it together quickly.
Aber funktionstüchtig. Man konnte sie in drei Teile zerlegen, verstecken und schnell wieder zusammensetzen. -
And I also had a 9 mm Beretta and four hand grenades.
And I also had a 9 mm Beretta and four hand grenades.
Ich bekam auch eine 9 mm Beretta-Pistole. Und vier Handgranaten. -
I stayed there with the First Battalion
I stayed there with the First Battalion
Ich war dann beim Ersten Bataillon, -
and we used to go on road 63, where German garrisons were all over the place.
and we used to go on road 63, where German garrisons were all over the place.
wir gingen oft an die Staatsstraße 63, wo sich die ganzen deutschen Stützpunkte befanden. -
Not long after, around July, there was a great mop-up.
Not long after, around July, there was a great mop-up.
Kurze Zeit später, im Juli, gibt es eine große Durchkämmungsaktion (Razzia).