European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I don’t think it is interesting.
I don’t think it is interesting.
Ich denke nicht, dass das interessant ist. -
During war there is one essential rule:
During war there is one essential rule:
Während des Krieges gibt es eine wesentliche Regel: -
If I don’t shoot first, he will shoot me. He didn’t do anything to me and I didn’t do anything to him.
If I don’t shoot first, he will shoot me. He didn’t do anything to me and I didn’t do anything to him.
Wenn ich nicht zuerst schieße, wird er mich erschießen. Er hat mir nichts getan und ich habe ihm nichts getan. -
I don’t know him. He has a family; I have a family as well. Why then, do we kill each other?
I don’t know him. He has a family; I have a family as well. Why then, do we kill each other?
Ich kenne ihn nicht. Er hat eine Familie; Ich habe auch eine Familie. Warum also töten wir uns gegenseitig? -
Why? Because the ones that decide on war are not the ones that fight it.
Why? Because the ones that decide on war are not the ones that fight it.
Warum? Weil diejenigen, die sich für den Krieg entscheiden, nicht diejenigen sind, die ihn kämpfen. -
Liberation; Exchange of prisoners
Liberation; Exchange of prisoners
Befreiung, Gefangenenaustausch -
Nanterre was liberated on the following day, August 21st, 1944.
Nanterre was liberated on the following day, August 21st, 1944.
Nanterre wurde am nächsten Tag, am 21. August 1944, befreit. -
The German officers all left for Mont Valérien, the only place they felt safe.
The German officers all left for Mont Valérien, the only place they felt safe.
Die deutschen Offiziere waren alle nach Mont Valérien geflohen, den einzigen Ort an dem sie sich sicher fühlten. -
The Liberation Committee was installed.
The Liberation Committee was installed.
Das Comité de Libération wurde einberufen. -
Mont Valérien is a fort from the time before the Paris Commune.
Mont Valérien is a fort from the time before the Paris Commune.
Mont Valérien ist ein Fort aus der Zeit vor der Pariser Kommune. -
There the resistance fighters were shot. Each time the resistance attacked the German troops.
There the resistance fighters were shot. Each time the resistance attacked the German troops.
Dort wurden Widerstandskämpfer erschossen. Jedes mal wenn die Réstistance Deutsche Truppen angriff. -
General Stüplinen ordered for every killed German, one hundred resistance fighters should be executed.
General Stüplinen ordered for every killed German, one hundred resistance fighters should be executed.
General Stüplinen befahl, dass für jeden getöteten Deutschen 100 Widerstandskämpfer erschossen werden sollten. -
We identified 1015 corpses of people who had been shot between 1941 and 1944.
We identified 1015 corpses of people who had been shot between 1941 and 1944.
Wir identifizierten 1015 Leichen von Personen, die zwischen 1941 und 1944 erschossen wurden. -
It was an execution place.
It was an execution place.
Es war ein Ort der Exekution. -
The Germans couldn’t move anymore, as all the streets leading there were barricaded by the resistance.
The Germans couldn’t move anymore, as all the streets leading there were barricaded by the resistance.
Die Deutschen konnten sich nicht mehr bewegen, weil alle Straßen dorthin von der Résistance verbarrikadiert waren. -
Some Germans were in the Paris water works. They had intended to blow up the water basins, but they were caught.
Some Germans were in the Paris water works. They had intended to blow up the water basins, but they were caught.
Ein paar Deutsche waren in den Pariser Wasserwerken. Sie wollten die Wasserbecken sprengen aber sie wurden gefangen. -
So there was a prisoner exchange between those Germans
So there was a prisoner exchange between those Germans
Es gab also einen Gefangenenaustausch von diesen Deutschen -
and the last prisoners the Germans had taken, and had no nerve to shoot.
and the last prisoners the Germans had taken, and had no nerve to shoot.
und den Gefangenen den die Deutschen zuletzt noch gemacht hatten, die sie sich aber nicht mehr trauten zu erschießen. -
That is how we found out exactly what had happened to Louis Meunier.
That is how we found out exactly what had happened to Louis Meunier.
So fanden wir heraus was genau mit Louis Meunier geschehen war. -
Back to the Nazis in Mont Valérien: They refused to give themselves up to the resistance.
Back to the Nazis in Mont Valérien: They refused to give themselves up to the resistance.
Die Nazis in Mont Valérien weigerten sich, sich der Résistance zu ergeben.