European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
they had the machinery for threshing and ploughing the land, so 4 or 5 of them got together and started this activity.
After that he always did that job, he was always a thresher:
they went out to plough, to thresh, these type of things.
When I was 10 I started to work as a seamstress, or I should say to learn how to be a seamstress.
I helped my mother out a little, because we also had about 20.000 square meters of land,
we had a cow or two for milk, in order to go to the dairy to get some cheese, butter, etc.
In the winter, since you couldn’t do much in the fields,
my father would help us more with these things, while in the summer he was always working.
Making a red flag
We went to Guardazone, which is a mountain just near San Polo.
We had lunch there, some sandwiches.
As it was close to the first of May we decided
to take a piece of paper and made a flag with the lipsticks we had.
Then we found a stick, a piece of wood, and we secured this flag to it
and there we went, climbed on a pine tree and tied it there…
Then we left, we went away,
since there were people who were informers and would go see if they found us there.
You could sign up even if you weren’t 18 yet.
From that moment they taught us songs like “Bandiera Rossa” and other things, other songs
that people used to sing even after the war.
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