European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
in Carpi, in Fossoli, in the lowlands where we had all our partisans.
I carried the stuff there and the dispatch riders then carried it to the “recapiti”.
There were various dispatch riders.
At the local headquarters I was a secretary but I also had two dispatch riders there.
One was Carmen (battle name) and the other Vera, who was from Yugoslavia.
They were assigned to the headquarters of the brigade.
That’s what the partisan struggle was about.
Fourteen months of actions.
If it wasn’t everyday, there was something one night, something else the following and the one after too.
I did this the whole time, continuously.
If I wasn’t typewriting, I was riding my bicycle going all over the place, to Bologna or other towns.
More or less constantly: these actions, these deaths.
Because there were battles, casualties too.
It was fourteen months of battle.
Deportation of the father and friends
At that point I see a fascist, a German van driving up the hill.
Since all peasants were at the strike… the van proceeds further up…
they went to Aleotti’s house instead and set it on fire (the Aleotti family was at the strike).
Somebody had betrayed us immediately, since in Montecavolo there were many fascists.
They betrayed so that the strike went well in Montecavolo and not in the other towns around Reggio
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