European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
It was either to get away from the encampment,
It was either to get away from the encampment,
O per allontanarsi dall'accampamento, -
or maybe just to get away from being controlled,
or maybe just to get away from being controlled,
o forse solo per evitare di essere controllati, -
or maybe even we were fully conscious, but we chose to join the units.
or maybe even we were fully conscious, but we chose to join the units.
o forse anche noi eravamo del tutto consapevoli, comunque abbiamo scelto di unirci alle unità. -
I joined the Yugoslav brigade; that’s what it was called later, but then it was a detachment.
I joined the Yugoslav brigade; that’s what it was called later, but then it was a detachment.
Sono entrato a far parte della brigata jugoslava, così è stata chiamata in seguito, ma allora era un distacco. -
At the time there were perhaps about 200 of us, or 300, 400 …
At the time there were perhaps about 200 of us, or 300, 400 …
All'epoca eravamo forse circa 200 o 300, 400... -
I joined and I don’t know if I was weak or not; I probably was. [00:03:06.10
I joined and I don’t know if I was weak or not; I probably was.
[00:03:06.10Mi sono accodato e non so se fossi debole o meno; forse lo ero. [00:03:06.10 -
But I came to that headquarters where Mesic was the commanding officer and he said that I’d be going to someone.
But I came to that headquarters where Mesic was the commanding officer and he said that I’d be going to someone.
Ma sono arrivato in quel Quartier generale dove Mesic era l'ufficiale in comando e disse che sarei andato da qualcuno. -
Who? I didn’t know.
Who? I didn’t know.
Chi? Non lo seppi. -
But it came to be that I went to this man who had been living in Russia since 1918, or maybe even earlier, since WWI.
But it came to be that I went to this man who had been living in Russia since 1918, or maybe even earlier, since WWI.
Ma è successo che sono andato da quest'uomo che viveva in Russia dal 1918, o forse anche prima, dalla Prima Guerra Mondiale. -
His name was Jevremovic.
His name was Jevremovic.
Il suo nome era Jevremovic. -
I came to this man wearing a uniform, and I spoke Serbian with him,
I came to this man wearing a uniform, and I spoke Serbian with him,
Andai da quest'uomo che indossava un'uniforme e parlai in serbo con lui, -
and he told me that I was going to be with him as his courier.
and he told me that I was going to be with him as his courier.
e mi disse che sarei andato con lui per essere suo corriere. -
As prisoner of war in the Soviet Union
As prisoner of war in the Soviet Union
Come prigioniero di guerra in Unione Sovietica -
Perhaps it was a week or two or three, I can’t say because we didn’t follow calendar days.
Perhaps it was a week or two or three, I can’t say because we didn’t follow calendar days.
Forse sono state una o due o tre settimane, non saprei dire perché non abbiamo seguito i giorni col calendario. -
They didn’t even know calendars in Russia at the time.
They didn’t even know calendars in Russia at the time.
All'epoca non conoscevano nemmeno i calendari in Russia. -
I was taken prisoner when i was riding my horses, packed with food, to the front line, to the German front.
I was taken prisoner when i was riding my horses, packed with food, to the front line, to the German front.
Sono stato fatto prigioniero mentre andavo col mio cavallo, pieno di cibo, sulla prima linea del fronte tedesco. -
I swear it was a Russian stallion and I swear, when that stallion sensed the Russian language, I didn’t even hear it, he started neighing.
I swear it was a Russian stallion and I swear, when that stallion sensed the Russian language, I didn’t even hear it, he started neighing.
Giuro che era uno stallone russo, quando quello stallone ha sentito la lingua russa, io non l'ho nemmeno sentita, ha iniziato a nitrire. -
I guess I wasn’t careful; I was taken by surprise.
I guess I wasn’t careful; I was taken by surprise.
Immagino di non essere stato attento; sono stato colto di sorpresa. -
I rode on another few hundred meters and then five or six people, girls too, surrounded me.
I rode on another few hundred meters and then five or six people, girls too, surrounded me.
Feci ancora qualche centinaio di metri e poi cinque o sei persone, anche ragazze, mi circondarono. -
They said that I was mobilized into the German army. I even said so myself.
They said that I was mobilized into the German army. I even said so myself.
Dissero che ero stato mobilitato nell'esercito tedesco. Lo dissi anch'io stesso.