European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
a nation with its own language and its own culture and tradition.
a nation with its own language and its own culture and tradition.
una nazione con una propria lingua e una propria cultura e tradizione. -
That’s why the significance of this fight was so essential and vital.
That’s why the significance of this fight was so essential and vital.
Ecco perché il significato di questa lotta era così essenziale e vitale. -
Had there been no Partisan movement, the Primorje would not be a part of Slovenia now.
Had there been no Partisan movement, the Primorje would not be a part of Slovenia now.
Se non ci fosse stato alcun movimento Partigiano, il Primorje oggi non sarebbe più una parte della Slovenia. -
Being an individualist in war time
Being an individualist in war time
Essere individualisti in tempo di guerra -
While we waited for the breakthrough, many of the boys under my leadership, cried from fear.
While we waited for the breakthrough, many of the boys under my leadership, cried from fear.
Mentre attendevamo la svolta, molti ragazzi sotto la mia guida piansero di paura. -
It was a horrific sight.
It was a horrific sight.
Era uno spettacolo orribile. -
The same boys, aged 17, 18 or 20 at the most, volunteered for dangerous actions, attacks, within half a year.
The same boys, aged 17, 18 or 20 at the most, volunteered for dangerous actions, attacks, within half a year.
Gli stessi ragazzi di 17, 18 o 20 anni al massimo, entro sei mesi si sono offerti per azioni pericolose e attacchi. -
When a man has weapons, when he witnesses the deaths of his colleagues,
When a man has weapons, when he witnesses the deaths of his colleagues,
Quando un uomo è armato, quando assiste alla morte dei suoi colleghi, -
his friends, even his neighbors from the very same village, a murderous passion overwhelms him.
his friends, even his neighbors from the very same village, a murderous passion overwhelms him.
dei suoi amici, anche dei suoi vicini nello stesso villaggio, una passione omicida lo travolge. -
When in combat, sooner or later the logic prevails that death to the enemy is your life.
When in combat, sooner or later the logic prevails that death to the enemy is your life.
Quando combatti, presto o tardi prevale la logica che la morte del tuo nemico è la tua salvezza. -
Perhaps now as I look back upon myself as a man who considered himself a poet,
Perhaps now as I look back upon myself as a man who considered himself a poet,
Forse oggi, che riguardo indietro a me stesso come un uomo che si considerava un poeta, -
I was a tremendous individualist.
I was a tremendous individualist.
io ero un grandissimo individualista. -
Of course, in a war the units are under strict discipline,
Of course, in a war the units are under strict discipline,
Certo, in una guerra le unità sono sotto stretta disciplina, -
all organized according to a military structure quite necessary for leading into any type of combat.
all organized according to a military structure quite necessary for leading into any type of combat.
tutto organizzato secondo una struttura militare necessaria per condurre in un qualsivoglia tipo di combattimento. -
It wasn’t for me though; it didn’t suit my character. There was another aspect of human character.
It wasn’t for me though; it didn’t suit my character. There was another aspect of human character.
Non faceva affatto per me però; non si adattava al mio carattere. C'era un altro aspetto del carattere umano. -
Even out in the open, wherever we managed to get some sleep, I always liked to sleep in a bit, I’m a bit lazy in the morning.
Even out in the open, wherever we managed to get some sleep, I always liked to sleep in a bit, I’m a bit lazy in the morning.
Anche all'aperto, ovunque potessimo schiacciare un pisolino, mi è sempre piaciuto dormire un po', sono un po' prigro al mattino. -
When I was in the brigade, we’d usually march at night.
When I was in the brigade, we’d usually march at night.
Quando ero nella brigata, di solito marciavamo di notte. -
We walked all night long just to get a little bit further, for instance from the Karst to the Trnovski gozd via the Vipava valley,
We walked all night long just to get a little bit further, for instance from the Karst to the Trnovski gozd via the Vipava valley,
Abbiamo camminato tutta la notte solo per spostarci un po' più in la, per esempio dal Carso al Trnovski gozd attraverso la valle del Vipava, -
where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
dove c'erano le imboscate e gli avamposti. Ho spesso pensato che queste azioni fossero pericolose o semplicemente troppo faticose. -
So I often volunteered for various new tasks that would arise amidst a battle.
So I often volunteered for various new tasks that would arise amidst a battle.
Quindi mi sono spesso offerto volontario per vari nuovi compiti che potessero spuntare in una battaglia.