European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
where the ambushes and outposts were. I often thought these actions were dangerous or just too straining.
dove c'erano le imboscate e gli avamposti. Ho spesso pensato che queste azioni fossero pericolose o semplicemente troppo faticose. -
So I often volunteered for various new tasks that would arise amidst a battle.
So I often volunteered for various new tasks that would arise amidst a battle.
Quindi mi sono spesso offerto volontario per vari nuovi compiti che potessero spuntare in una battaglia. -
These were more dangerous, but at least I could channel my individualism this way.
These were more dangerous, but at least I could channel my individualism this way.
Erano i più pericolosi, ma almeno potevo canalizzare il mio individualismo in questo modo. -
So I became an informer. I would travel alone to Trieste with forged documents.
So I became an informer. I would travel alone to Trieste with forged documents.
Così sono diventato un informatore. Avrei viaggiato fino a Trieste solo con documenti falsi. -
It was highly risky, but I felt that my life was at my own disposal.
It was highly risky, but I felt that my life was at my own disposal.
Era molto rischioso ma sentivo che la mia vita era a mia disposizione. -
Later I was with the miners. That was just a small unit, maybe there were 13 or 15 of us. It was easy to command.
Later I was with the miners. That was just a small unit, maybe there were 13 or 15 of us. It was easy to command.
Dopo fui coi minatori. Era solo una piccola unità, forse eravamo 13 o 15. Era facile da comandare. -
One year I worked in the educational system
One year I worked in the educational system
Un anno ho lavorato nel sistema educativo -
organizing the school system and appointing teachers who didn’t even exist.
organizing the school system and appointing teachers who didn’t even exist.
per organizzare il sistema scolastico e nominare insegnanti che perfino non esistevano. -
I was alone in appointing these teachers and without Slovenian schools.
I was alone in appointing these teachers and without Slovenian schools.
Ero solo a nominare questi insegnanti e senza scuole slovene. -
I decided to call a meeting for all the women who stayed home alone so I could present them with a dictation of a text.
I decided to call a meeting for all the women who stayed home alone so I could present them with a dictation of a text.
Ho deciso di convocare una riunione con tutte le donne rimaste da sole a casa in modo da poterle designare con la dettatura di un testo. -
I had some knowledge of the Slovene language I reviewed the results
I had some knowledge of the Slovene language I reviewed the results
Avevo una certa conoscenza dello sloveno e ho esaminato i risultati -
and decided that the one who made the fewest mistakes would be the teacher.
and decided that the one who made the fewest mistakes would be the teacher.
e ho deciso che colei che avesse fatto il minor numero di errori sarebbe stata l'insegnante. -
The children needed someone to present them with at least the basics of the language and a little math and reading.
The children needed someone to present them with at least the basics of the language and a little math and reading.
I bambini avevano bisogno di qualcuno che desse loro almeno le basi della lingua e un po' di matematica e di lettura. -
They couldn’t just go through the war without any schooling … The official schooling system had disintegrated.
They couldn’t just go through the war without any schooling … The official schooling system had disintegrated.
Non potevano semplicemente affrontare la guerra senza alcuna istruzione... Il sistema scolastico ufficiale si era disintegrato. -
So it was necessary to establish a Slovenian school.
So it was necessary to establish a Slovenian school.
Quindi è stato necessario creare una scuola slovena. -
Things were easiest for me while I worked in the schooling system.
Things were easiest for me while I worked in the schooling system.
Le cose erano più facili per me mentre lavoravo nel sistema scolastico. -
Although for a long time I felt like an informer.
Although for a long time I felt like an informer.
Anche se per molto tempo mi sono sentito un informatore. -
Being 18, I strained to be a great informer, like all those characters I’d read about, Sherlock Holmes for instance,
Being 18, I strained to be a great informer, like all those characters I’d read about, Sherlock Holmes for instance,
A 18 anni mi sforzavo di essere un grande informatore, come tutti quei personaggi di cui avevo letto, Sherlock Holmes per esempio, -
and I dreamed of all the miracles I would do. I did do a few bold things, even stupid, but at least they worked.
and I dreamed of all the miracles I would do. I did do a few bold things, even stupid, but at least they worked.
e ho immaginato tutti i miracoli che avrei fatto. Ho fatto alcune cose audaci, perfino stupide, ma almeno hanno funzionato. -
For instance, if I could, I slept in a bed. I’d arrive in a village and they would offer me a bed. I would risk it.
For instance, if I could, I slept in a bed. I’d arrive in a village and they would offer me a bed. I would risk it.
Ad esempio, se potevo, dormivo in un letto. Arrivavo in un villaggio e mi offrivano un letto. Io avrei rischiato.