European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
There were women whose sons had died in war,
There were women whose sons had died in war,
avevano capito che il fascismo non aveva portato niente di buono, -
as well as women who had not been as lucky as I was to be raised in an antifascist family.
as well as women who had not been as lucky as I was to be raised in an antifascist family.
quindi anche quelle che non erano state fortunate come me di crescere in una famiglia antifascista, di avere già degli ideali miei, -
However we were all convinced that something had to be done to change the situation.
However we were all convinced that something had to be done to change the situation.
avevano capito che era giusto fare qualcosa perché questa situazione cambiasse. -
What was the goal that moved us all?
What was the goal that moved us all?
Qual era il motivo principale che ci animava tutte? -
Peace. Fighting for peace, to end the war as soon as possible.
Peace. Fighting for peace, to end the war as soon as possible.
Era la lotta per la pace, perché la guerra finisse al più presto possibile. Questo era il filo conduttore che ci animò tutte. -
It was an organized activity.
It was an organized activity.
E’ un’attività organizzata. -
We were born to support the partisans.
We were born to support the partisans.
E il nostro lavoro, siamo nate noi in appoggio ai partigiani. -
Women support groups primarily supported the partisan struggle.
Women support groups primarily supported the partisan struggle.
I gruppi di difesa della donna erano proprio, l’azione era prevalentemente in appoggio alla lotta partigiana, -
The struggle began after September 8th, as soon as men took off for the mountains.
The struggle began after September 8th, as soon as men took off for the mountains.
che è nato subito dopo l’8 settembre, quando i ragazzi hanno cominciato ad andare in montagna. -
The Partisans were an army with no uniforms and no supplies.
The Partisans were an army with no uniforms and no supplies.
Che era un esercito che era senza divisa, era senza rifornimenti e viveri, era senza tutto. -
They had nothing.
They had nothing.
Aveva tutto e niente di quello che era un esercito regolare. -
That’s why we started to get hold of small things for them.
That’s why we started to get hold of small things for them.
Quindi noi donne cercare di accaparrarsi queste piccole cose. -
It might seem nothing to you now, but every time we went to ask families for a pair of pants,
It might seem nothing to you now, but every time we went to ask families for a pair of pants,
Per voi adesso non vuol dire niente, per noi andare presso le famiglie a chiedere un paio di pantaloni, un paio di guanti -
gloves, a shirt or a pair of shoes to send off to the partisans, we risked our lives.
gloves, a shirt or a pair of shoes to send off to the partisans, we risked our lives.
una maglia, un paio di scarpe da mandare ai partigiani in montagna, voleva dire mettere la tua vita nel pericolo più grande che ci poteva essere, -
It was extremely dangerous, because the fascists, assisted by the Germans, would arrest us and torture us.
It was extremely dangerous, because the fascists, assisted by the Germans, would arrest us and torture us.
perché allora i fascisti erano appoggiati dai tedeschi, quindi le cose più brutte le facevano… perché ci arrestavano, ci torturavano e così via. -
The women who worked in the Women support groups in the lowlands faced danger everyday.
The women who worked in the Women support groups in the lowlands faced danger everyday.
Noi che abbiamo lavorato nei gruppi di difesa della donna in pianura, il nostro rischio era così, -
We carried out our tasks open-faced, and we had no battle names.
We carried out our tasks open-faced, and we had no battle names.
perché noi andavamo a viso scoperto, non avevamo nomi… come si dice… di battaglia. -
For example, we handed out leaflets and circulated news. News went around in our bags, by bicycle.
For example, we handed out leaflets and circulated news. News went around in our bags, by bicycle.
Perché per esempio non so si portava in giro i volantini, le notizie. Le notizie giravano nelle nostre borse, in bicicletta. -
As for leaflets, if you were stopped, just like they did with me in front of the hospice,
As for leaflets, if you were stopped, just like they did with me in front of the hospice,
Però i volantini se ti fermavano, come hanno fermato me all’Ospizio che mi hanno preso la bicicletta, voleva dire eh… -
you would have been locked up for the rest of your life.
you would have been locked up for the rest of your life.
andare in galera dritte dritte e non saltare mai più fuori.