European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
After I completed my task, he would hand me a pair of scissors,
After I completed my task, he would hand me a pair of scissors,
“Dai vai giù”, perché io quando avevo consegnato se andava bene -
telling me that my nails were probably too long, and he suggested that I soak my feet to feel better.
telling me that my nails were probably too long, and he suggested that I soak my feet to feel better.
mi diceva: “Toh, prendi le forbici che c’avrai anche le unghie lunghe, fai un bagno ai piedi e poi dopo vedrai che stai meglio”. -
I would then go to a house where two elderly women used to live, and I would finally sleep there in a real bed.
I would then go to a house where two elderly women used to live, and I would finally sleep there in a real bed.
E andavo in una casa dove c’erano due signore anziane, per quello io stavo bene quando andavo là perché dormivo in un letto e poi mi riposavo. -
The following day they cooked polenta twice, for lunch and dinner.
The following day they cooked polenta twice, for lunch and dinner.
Il giorno dopo mi facevano due volte la polenta, a mezzogiorno e alla sera, -
One was made with chestnuts, the other one with cornmeal. I really felt well there.
One was made with chestnuts, the other one with cornmeal. I really felt well there.
una di castagne e una di granoturco, però stavo bene veramente mi riposavo e poi ero lì, -
Sometimes other girls would come, but he always wanted me to stay there.
Sometimes other girls would come, but he always wanted me to stay there.
veramente veniva anche qualche altra ragazza, ma in particolare lui voleva sempre che io andassi là e io non stavo male. -
But my poor sister had to sleep in huts and sheds the whole time, wherever she could.
But my poor sister had to sleep in huts and sheds the whole time, wherever she could.
Invece mia sorella poveretta dormiva sempre nelle capanne e nelle stalle dove capitava. -
At first I asked why they asked me to do this or that,
At first I asked why they asked me to do this or that,
Eh subito sì, subito dicevo: “Mah... Mah... Non so, perché devo fare io questo lavoro?”, -
but then I realized that it was necessary, that it was my duty to do something.
but then I realized that it was necessary, that it was my duty to do something.
ma subito dicevo così. Ma vedevo che c’era il bisogno di fare queste cose secondo me, era un dovere di fare qualche cosa. -
For example, when we were kids, if a farmer was making hay my father would tell us to go help him.
For example, when we were kids, if a farmer was making hay my father would tell us to go help him.
Mio padre ad esempio, quando eravamo piccoli, e anche molto piccoli, quando c’era un contadino che faceva... facevano i fieni, facevano il raccolto del grano... mio padre diceva: -
“It might start raining”, he would say, and then he would go pick up some rope, while we all went to help the farmer.
“It might start raining”, he would say, and then he would go pick up some rope, while we all went to help the farmer.
“Andate ad aiutare quel signore. Dai che se viene a piovere magari, dai che prendo su la corda”, e noi tutti bambini andavamo ad aiutare questo signore. -
Battle-name; first activities as a dispatch-rider
Battle-name; first activities as a dispatch-rider
Nome di battaglia; Prime attivitá da staffetta -
As for myself, I was a dispatch-carrier.
As for myself, I was a dispatch-carrier.
Io invece, io facevo la staffetta... -
I would always move around, from Reggio to Secchio.
I would always move around, from Reggio to Secchio.
io non stavo là ferma, mai. Io andavo da Reggio a Secchio. -
My parents often asked me to go to the mountains, so some boys eventually told me:
My parents often asked me to go to the mountains, so some boys eventually told me:
Dopo perché poi è finita così... io andavo spesso a vedere perché i miei mi mandavano, insomma andavo a vedere, allora dopo... dei ragazzi mi hanno detto: -
“If you go to the mountains, you could take us there with you”.
“If you go to the mountains, you could take us there with you”.
“Ma tu vai su, magari ci devi portare in montagna”, -
Every now and then I would take some of them first to one place, then to another, until they would join a partisan unit.
Every now and then I would take some of them first to one place, then to another, until they would join a partisan unit.
allora prendevo su ogni tanto qualche ragazzo e li portavo una volta qui, una volta là, a seconda come arrivavano allora dicevano: “Beh allora ci fermiamo con questi partigiani”. -
I would often go to Don Carlo, who was also a partisan, and would leave these boys with him.
I would often go to Don Carlo, who was also a partisan, and would leave these boys with him.
E andavo molto lì da Don Carlo, che era poi di quelli lì, e allora li lasciavo qui questi ragazzi. -
Then there were the Davoli brothers. Kiss was the commander of the dispatch-carriers.
Then there were the Davoli brothers. Kiss was the commander of the dispatch-carriers.
Poi c’erano i Davoli, i Davoli... Kiss il comandante delle staffette, -
He was from Reggio, and he was the landlord of the house where my mother was born.
He was from Reggio, and he was the landlord of the house where my mother was born.
che era di Reggio ed era proprio il padrone di casa dove era nata mia madre,