European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
These meetings took place, but it was really a thing that was quite free of emotions.
These meetings took place, but it was really a thing that was quite free of emotions.
Ci furono alcuni incontri, a erano praticamente slegati dalle emozioni. Si parlava sempre di cosa potevamo ottenere come antifascisti e di cosa non funzionava. -
Injuries and being a radio operator
Injuries and being a radio operator
Ferite ed essere un radiotelegrafista -
It was a bagatelle that brought me in front of the court martial in Africa.
It was a bagatelle that brought me in front of the court martial in Africa.
Fu una burla che mi portò davanti alla corte marziale in Africa. -
If they had known what I really did, I would have been summarily executed.
If they had known what I really did, I would have been summarily executed.
Se avessero saputo quello che avevo fatto veramente, in base alla legge marziale, mi avrebbero ucciso. -
As it was, I was taken to the court martial and condemned to the punishment battalion in Africa.
As it was, I was taken to the court martial and condemned to the punishment battalion in Africa.
Ma andai alla corte e mi misero nella Strafkompanie in Africa. -
That was horrible because you were totally isolated
That was horrible because you were totally isolated
Era una cosa orribile, perché si era completamente isolati -
and because you were often sent out in front of the tanks – as cannon catch.
and because you were often sent out in front of the tanks – as cannon catch.
e perché spesso si veniva messi davanti ai carri armati come bersagli per i cannoni. -
Near the Highfalla Pass, near Tobruk.
Near the Highfalla Pass, near Tobruk.
Vicino a Tobruch -
I was seriously wounded after six weeks in the punishment battalion.
I was seriously wounded after six weeks in the punishment battalion.
fui gravemente ferito dopo sei settimane nell'unità. -
I was unconscious for two days and then came to Athens and there my eye had to be removed.
I was unconscious for two days and then came to Athens and there my eye had to be removed.
Per due giorni rimasi incosciente, poi mi portarono ad Atene dove mi tolsero l'occhio. -
The one side of my face is paralysed because of this injury.
The one side of my face is paralysed because of this injury.
Metà della mia faccia era paralizzata per l'operazione. -
I was not fit for war any more and was retrained as a radio operator.
I was not fit for war any more and was retrained as a radio operator.
Dato che non ero più utile per la guerra, mi avviarono a radiotelegrafista. -
In spite of all my bad luck, this was the best that could happen.
In spite of all my bad luck, this was the best that could happen.
Nonostante la mia sfortuna, questo fu il meglio che mi potesse capitare -
Radio operators were not only privileged.
Radio operators were not only privileged.
non solo perché il radiotelegrafista era in una posizione privilegiata, -
Due to their occupation they were able to listen to what BBC or the station ‘Freies Deutschland’ were broadcasting.
Due to their occupation they were able to listen to what BBC or the station ‘Freies Deutschland’ were broadcasting.
ma anche perché potevano ascoltare le registrazioni della BBC o della stazione "Freies Deutschland". -
Every radio operator did that, regardless whether he was a Nazi or an anti-fascist.
Every radio operator did that, regardless whether he was a Nazi or an anti-fascist.
Ogni operatore lo faceva, sia che fosse nazista o antifascista. -
When searching for your remote station you had to contact. If you came across any other station you listened into that.
When searching for your remote station you had to contact. If you came across any other station you listened into that.
Quando si cercava una stazione remota bisognava stabilire un contatto e, incontrando un qualsiasi trasmettitore, si potevano intercettare. -
But that wasn’t the only thing a clever radio operator could do. He could also get in touch with another radio station where a comrade sat.
But that wasn’t the only thing a clever radio operator could do. He could also get in touch with another radio station where a comrade sat.
Ma non era l'unica cosa che si poteva fare. Ci si poteva anche mettere in contatto con un compagno di un altro trasmettitore. -
My big advantage was that I gave and received the highest speed, that is to say 140 characters per minute, which was the police radio.
My big advantage was that I gave and received the highest speed, that is to say 140 characters per minute, which was the police radio.
Il mio grande vantaggio era di ricevere la velocità più elevata (140 caratteri al minuto), che era la radio della polizia. -
The highest speed that was generally used in the ‘Wehrmacht’ was 120 characters, giving and receiving.
The highest speed that was generally used in the ‘Wehrmacht’ was 120 characters, giving and receiving.
La velocità standard più alta della Wehrmacht erano 120 caratteri al minuto ricevuti e mandati.