European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
My father arrived in the evening. He was a coppersmith, working very hard. He was also very firm.
My father arrived in the evening. He was a coppersmith, working very hard. He was also very firm.
Mio padre è arrivato la sera, faceva riparazioni per le navi, era calderaio, faceva un lavoro molto duro… Ma era anche molto determinato. -
He said:
He said:
Arriva e dice: -
“So there you are! Where are you coming from?”
“So there you are! Where are you coming from?”
Beh! Eccoti qui! Cosa ci fai qui? -
Quite nice. That was how he was. I had already imagined it would be that way. But things got straightened out in the end.
Quite nice. That was how he was. I had already imagined it would be that way. But things got straightened out in the end.
Beh, era una cosa simpatica. Lui era così e io già lo sapevo che sarebbe andata così. -
I had been called to the police headquarters because a family was asking for information about their son.
I had been called to the police headquarters because a family was asking for information about their son.
Ero stato convocato al commissariato di polizia perché c'erano persone che volevano delle informazioni. Ho pensato molto se andare o meno. -
I hesitated for a long time, but finally I decided to go, as it was to help.
I hesitated for a long time, but finally I decided to go, as it was to help.
Poi mi sono detto: "Serve ad aiutare della gente!", e ci sono andato. -
When I walked into the police office, one of these individuals who had arrested me, entered.
When I walked into the police office, one of these individuals who had arrested me, entered.
Poco dopo essere entrato nell'ufficio del commissario, lui aveva iniziato a parlare, c'è quest'individuo che entra. Era uno di quelli che mi avevano arrestato. -
I did a huge leap, with my 35kg at the time, yelling at the police officer:
I did a huge leap, with my 35kg at the time, yelling at the police officer:
Sono sobbalzato, con i miei 35 kg, e ho detto al commissario: -
“Ask that cop what he did in the night of October 21st, 1941!” I made a big fuss.
“Ask that cop what he did in the night of October 21st, 1941!” I made a big fuss.
“Chieda a quel poliziotto quello che è successo la notte del 21 ottobre!" Ho fatto una baraonda là dentro! -
The officer calmed me down and sent the other one out.
The officer calmed me down and sent the other one out.
Mi hanno detto di calmarmi, ma l'hanno fatto uscire. -
Every-day live at Auschwitz-Birkenau
Every-day live at Auschwitz-Birkenau
La quotidianità ad Auschwitz-Birkenau -
Day to day life in the camp started with the morning role-call.
Day to day life in the camp started with the morning role-call.
La vita di tutti i giorni al campo iniziava con la chiamata all'appello, dopo il risveglio. -
The camp was huge.
The camp was huge.
Il campo era immenso. -
I think we were a hundred thousand prisoners.
I think we were a hundred thousand prisoners.
Eravamo forse 100.000 nel campo. -
Birkenau was especially huge.
Birkenau was especially huge.
Birkenau era particolarmente vasto. -
Then we found out that Birkenau was no holiday resort.
Then we found out that Birkenau was no holiday resort.
Abbiamo subito capito che Birkenau non era un posto di villeggiatura. -
The days were very long: from 4h00 or 5h00 in the morning ‘til 21h00, 22h00 in the evening,
The days were very long: from 4h00 or 5h00 in the morning ‘til 21h00, 22h00 in the evening,
Le giornate erano molto lunghe, dalle 4 o le 5 del mattino, fino anche alle 9 o alle 10 di sera, -
because if one of the 22,300 people was missing during the evening role-call, he had to be found.
because if one of the 22,300 people was missing during the evening role-call, he had to be found.
perché, se uno dei 22.300 mancava all'appello della sera, bisognava ritrovarlo. -
We had to stay standing until this person was found. Sometimes we spent whole nights outside.
We had to stay standing until this person was found. Sometimes we spent whole nights outside.
Finché non lo ritrovavano, stavamo lì in piedi. A volte abbiamo passato la notte lì fuori, -
Some people hid, some escaped and then we had to stand until the following morning, in summer, and winter.
Some people hid, some escaped and then we had to stand until the following morning, in summer, and winter.
perché non avevano trovato quelli si erano nascosti o erano riusciti a evadere… Restavamo in piedi fino al mattino, estate e inverno.