European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
The train had to stop in Codoglio di Piacenza,
The train had to stop in Codoglio di Piacenza,
Lì è successo che a Codoglio di Piacenza si è fermato il treno, perché -
in order to let through another train coming in the opposite direction.
in order to let through another train coming in the opposite direction.
era un treno a carbone eh... cioè non era elettrico... un treno... allora erano quasi tutti a vapore, a carbone. -
Trains at the time were not electric, they were powered with coal.
Trains at the time were not electric, they were powered with coal.
Lì il treno si è fermato perché aspettava la coincidenza di un altro treno che veniva dall’opposto. -
We stopped for quite a long time.
We stopped for quite a long time.
E lì siamo stati fermi un bel pochino. -
Since the wagons were full of people, it was hot inside. There wasn’t enough ventilation.
Since the wagons were full of people, it was hot inside. There wasn’t enough ventilation.
E nel mentre dato che eravamo tanti ogni vagone, c’era caldo non c’era aria che circolava, qualcuno sveniva... -
Some passed out, so the Germans opened the sliding doors slightly to let some air in.
Some passed out, so the Germans opened the sliding doors slightly to let some air in.
allora hanno aperto i portoni scorrevoli, due palmi non di più, per aver la possibilità di respirare. -
At that point there were four Germans, while we were four thousand.
At that point there were four Germans, while we were four thousand.
In quel tempo lì i tedeschi erano quattro, noi eravamo più di quattromila, sul treno. -
They walked back and forth outside, with big guns slung over their shoulders.
They walked back and forth outside, with big guns slung over their shoulders.
E... mentre loro camminavano avanti e indietro vicino al treno, sempre con la maxi pistola a tracolla -
Before we left we had grabbed a small bag of things. I had the mess tin we used to eat in.
Before we left we had grabbed a small bag of things. I had the mess tin we used to eat in.
io avevo, avevamo uno zainetto a dietro noi, avevamo preso un po’ di roba prima di scappare e avevo la gavetta dove si mangiava, -
I asked the German if I could go to the fountain in the station. We had not drunk any water for two days.
I asked the German if I could go to the fountain in the station. We had not drunk any water for two days.
ci ho chiesto al tedesco, perché c’era una fontanina lì in stazione e noi era due giorni che non si beveva. -
I probably wasn’t thinking about escaping. I was just really thirsty and desperate.
I probably wasn’t thinking about escaping. I was just really thirsty and desperate.
Forse non è stato il coraggio di scappare ma è stata la sete e la disperazione. E ci ho chiesto se -
The German said “Ja, ja, ja”. I got off the train and headed towards the fountain.
The German said “Ja, ja, ja”. I got off the train and headed towards the fountain.
mi lasciava prendere una gavetta d’acqua e lui: “Ja, ja, ja”, e allora son sceso dal treno e sono andato. -
The German joined another soldier further away and started eating a peace of watermelon with him.
The German joined another soldier further away and started eating a peace of watermelon with him.
Nel mentre lui ha raggiunto l’altro collega che era più avanti, ci ha spezzettato un pezzetto di cocomero che mangiava -
I threw away the tin and started to run as fast as I could. I was skinny then and 23 years old.
I threw away the tin and started to run as fast as I could. I was skinny then and 23 years old.
e io ho buttato via la gavetta e poi sono scappato come un razzo. Ero magro... ventitrè anni. -
The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
Son scappato e lui ha tirato fuori la maxi pistola e mi ha sparato a dietro. -
But, when I started running, a friend of mine tried to come along.
But, when I started running, a friend of mine tried to come along.
Ma dietro di me quando sono scappato mi ha inseguito un altro, un amico, uno del Genio, anche lui militare soldato -
He was hit in the thigh and fell over the tracks.
He was hit in the thigh and fell over the tracks.
e lui ha preso una scoppiettata nelle cosce ed è andato a cavalcioni nella rotaia del treno. -
The number on the arm
The number on the arm
Il numero sul braccio -
Often the children ask me why I don’t have the number removed.
Often the children ask me why I don’t have the number removed.
Molto spesso mi chiedevano perché non me lo potevo far togliere. -
I tell them, I could have it removed, but I won’t.
I tell them, I could have it removed, but I won’t.
Certo che potrei farmelo togliere, ma non lo farò