European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
We also do this in memory of our comrades who died in Auschwitz.
We also do this in memory of our comrades who died in Auschwitz.
Lo facciamo anche in memoria dei compagni morti ad Auschwitz. -
Today more than ever it is necessary to do this work, because in Europe
Today more than ever it is necessary to do this work, because in Europe
Oggi più che mai è necessario fare questo lavoro, perché in Europa -
because in Europe there is a dangerous rise of fascism.
because in Europe there is a dangerous rise of fascism.
c'è una pericolosa ascesa del fascismo. -
Let us remember that Hitler got to power legally.
Let us remember that Hitler got to power legally.
Ricordiamoci che Hitler ottenne il potere legalmente. -
Nowadays, there a few European countries that have a right-extremist government.
Nowadays, there a few European countries that have a right-extremist government.
Oggigiorno ci sono alcuni paesi europei che hanno un governo di estrema destra. -
It might seem pretentious but we think we have not finished our work.
It might seem pretentious but we think we have not finished our work.
Potrebbe sembrare pretenzioso ma pensiamo di non aver finito il nostro lavoro. -
We need to talk to young people, guide them for the future, show them the importance of being brotherly.
We need to talk to young people, guide them for the future, show them the importance of being brotherly.
Dobbiamo parlare ai giovani, guidarli per il futuro, mostrare loro l'importanza di essere fraterni. -
I don’t answer all questions. When they ask me how many Germans I killed I won’t answer.
I don’t answer all questions. When they ask me how many Germans I killed I won’t answer.
Non rispondo a tutte le domande. Quando mi chiedono quanti tedeschi ho ucciso, non rispondo. -
I don’t think it is interesting.
I don’t think it is interesting.
Non penso sia importante. -
During war there is one essential rule:
During war there is one essential rule:
Durante la guerra c'è una sola regola: -
If I don’t shoot first, he will shoot me. He didn’t do anything to me and I didn’t do anything to him.
If I don’t shoot first, he will shoot me. He didn’t do anything to me and I didn’t do anything to him.
se non sparo io per primo, sarà lui a sparare a me. Lui non mi ha fatto niente e io non ho fatto niente a lui. -
I don’t know him. He has a family; I have a family as well. Why then, do we kill each other?
I don’t know him. He has a family; I have a family as well. Why then, do we kill each other?
Non lo conosco. Ha una famiglia; anche io ho una famiglia. Perché allora ci uccidiamo a vicenda? -
Why? Because the ones that decide on war are not the ones that fight it.
Why? Because the ones that decide on war are not the ones that fight it.
Perché? Perché quelli che decidono la guerra non sono quelli che la combattono. -
Liberation; Exchange of prisoners
Liberation; Exchange of prisoners
Liberazione; Scambio dei prigionieri -
Nanterre was liberated on the following day, August 21st, 1944.
Nanterre was liberated on the following day, August 21st, 1944.
Nanterre fu liberata il giorno seguente, il 21 Agosto 1944. -
The German officers all left for Mont Valérien, the only place they felt safe.
The German officers all left for Mont Valérien, the only place they felt safe.
Gli ufficiali tedeschi partirono tutti per Mont Valerién, l'unico posto dove si sentivano al sicuro. -
The Liberation Committee was installed.
The Liberation Committee was installed.
Fu istituito il Comitato di Liberazione. -
Mont Valérien is a fort from the time before the Paris Commune.
Mont Valérien is a fort from the time before the Paris Commune.
Mont Valérien è una fortezza risalente all'epoca precedente la Comune di Parigi. -
There the resistance fighters were shot. Each time the resistance attacked the German troops.
There the resistance fighters were shot. Each time the resistance attacked the German troops.
Là i combattenti della Resistenza venivano fucilati. Ad ogni azione compiuta dalla Resistenza contro le truppe tedesche. -
General Stüplinen ordered for every killed German, one hundred resistance fighters should be executed.
General Stüplinen ordered for every killed German, one hundred resistance fighters should be executed.
Il Generale Stüplinen ordinò che per ogni tedesco ucciso venissero giustiziati cento combattenti della Resistenza.