European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
These weapons had to be carried around from one person to the other.
These weapons had to be carried around from one person to the other.
E quindi queste armi dopo dovevano essere trasportate da una persona all’altra e così via. -
It was also vital to circulate news. Those in the mountains had to know what was going on in the lowlands.
It was also vital to circulate news. Those in the mountains had to know what was going on in the lowlands.
Poi c’era il bisogno delle notizie, i giovani erano in montagna ma dovevano sapere cosa succedeva in pianura. -
We would go back and forth to pass on these small notes regarding the Germans’ activities,
We would go back and forth to pass on these small notes regarding the Germans’ activities,
Quindi c’era l’andare e venire sempre di questi piccoli bigliettini per portare le notizie di come si muovevano i tedeschi, -
if mop-ups were taking place, if our men were in danger.
if mop-ups were taking place, if our men were in danger.
di quello che facevano i tedeschi, se c’erano i rastrellamenti, se i nostri uomini erano in pericolo. -
In the event of a mop-up we told each other by bicycle.
In the event of a mop-up we told each other by bicycle.
Se c’era un rastrellamento noi in bicicletta ci davamo la voce -
Then four or five of us from around the hamlet would pass on the warning.
Then four or five of us from around the hamlet would pass on the warning.
poi in quattro o cinque dai vari capi della frazione nel giro di mezz’ora o venticinque minuti noi davamo l’allarme -
In about half an hour the boys and men who had deserted knew that they had to leave and hide in the countryside.
In about half an hour the boys and men who had deserted knew that they had to leave and hide in the countryside.
e i giovani e gli uomini che erano a casa, che erano scappati dal fronte sapevano che dovevano andare fuori casa e andarsi a nascondere in pianura dove era possibile. -
July 25th and September 8th 1943
July 25th and September 8th 1943
25 luglio e 8 settembre 1943 -
In 1941 we received a telegram informing us that my brother Mario had died. He had been sent to Greece.
In 1941 we received a telegram informing us that my brother Mario had died. He had been sent to Greece.
Nel ’41 ci arrivò il telegramma di morte di Mario, mio fratello, quello che fu mandato in Grecia. -
Another brother went to Ukraine directly from Albania.
Another brother went to Ukraine directly from Albania.
L’altro fratello dall’Albania senza passare da casa fu mandato in Ucraina, in Russia. -
Another one was also recalled for military service and went to Mentone,
Another one was also recalled for military service and went to Mentone,
L’altro fratello ancora era stato richiamato e mandato a Mentone, -
in France, as Italy wanted to regain the area.
in France, as Italy wanted to regain the area.
in Francia, quando siamo andati a conquistare. -
The brother who was a victim of political persecution had not been recalled and was at home,
The brother who was a victim of political persecution had not been recalled and was at home,
Eravamo rimasti a casa il fratello, quello perseguitato politico che non hanno richiamato, -
along with the youngest one, who was not of age yet, the kids and the women.
along with the youngest one, who was not of age yet, the kids and the women.
l’altro fratello più giovane, perché non era ancora maggiorenne, dei bambini e delle donne. -
We had 20 acres of land to farm.
We had 20 acres of land to farm.
Avevamo settanta biolche di terra da lavorare -
As women we began to consider ourselves the head of the family, although the law didn’t accept it.
As women we began to consider ourselves the head of the family, although the law didn’t accept it.
e le donne, noi donne, abbiamo cominciato a sentirci, anche se la legge non ce lo riconosceva, eravamo diventate le capofamiglia. -
We had to find a way to farm the land.
We had to find a way to farm the land.
Lì si doveva inventare… capire come si doveva fare per coltivare la terra. -
Many women, even among our neighbours, had gone to work in the factories,
Many women, even among our neighbours, had gone to work in the factories,
Molte altre donne, anche delle vicine di casa avevano incominciato ad andare a lavorare in fabbrica. -
taking advantage of the wartime industry. You have to imagine that men were at war
taking advantage of the wartime industry. You have to imagine that men were at war
C’era l’industria bellica. Gli uomini erano al fronte . -
while women were left at home to look after the children and take care of the family.
while women were left at home to look after the children and take care of the family.
Voi dovete immaginare gli uomini al fronte e le donne a casa ad accudire i bambini e a tirare avanti la famiglia.