European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Leaving Valestra, as we were on the road that goes from Casina to Albinea, you could still see the long line behind.
Leaving Valestra, as we were on the road that goes from Casina to Albinea, you could still see the long line behind.
Che quando siamo partiti da Valestra quasi quasi eravamo sulla strada da Casina, Albinea si vedeva ancora il serpentone -
There were so many people: the English, the paratroopers, the Gufi Neri, all the partisans from the Central Headquarters.
There were so many people: the English, the paratroopers, the Gufi Neri, all the partisans from the Central Headquarters.
perché c’era tanta di quella gente, tra gli inglesi, i paracadutisti, i gufi neri, tutti quelli lì del comando unico, guardi c’eravamo in tanti che dico io. -
We stayed there the whole day and then the following night, at around midnight, they went down for the attack.
We stayed there the whole day and then the following night, at around midnight, they went down for the attack.
E dopo siamo stati tutto il giorno lì poi la sera dopo, verso mezzanotte, sono partiti i ragazzi e sono andati, sono andati giù all’attacco. -
Soon you could hear shots, as well as the sound of bagpipes,
Soon you could hear shots, as well as the sound of bagpipes,
Cominciato a sparare e poi c’era la cornamusa che suonava perché loro, -
since the English were used to going to battle playing bagpipes.
since the English were used to going to battle playing bagpipes.
loro dicono che quando vanno in combattimento gli inglesi sparano insomma, cioè suonano la cornamusa. -
I can’t recall how many women we were, myself and another skinny girl from Villa Minozzo,
I can’t recall how many women we were, myself and another skinny girl from Villa Minozzo,
Poi dopo e dopo Kiss ha detto, io non mi ricordo in quante c’eravamo ma qualcuno c’era, io e un'altra ragazzina anche lei magrettina piccolina lì anche lei, di Villa Minozzo, -
but later Kiss told us that our task for the next day would be to search for any wounded, since anyone wounded had to be retrieved.
but later Kiss told us that our task for the next day would be to search for any wounded, since anyone wounded had to be retrieved.
e ci ha detto Kiss: “Dunque, voi avete l’incarico domani di andare a vedere se ci sono dei feriti, perché se ci abbiamo dei feriti qualcuno deve recuperarli”. -
The following day, as soon as it was light enough, we were asking ourselves what we had to do.
The following day, as soon as it was light enough, we were asking ourselves what we had to do.
Allora niente poi il mattino noi, appena si è fatto un po’ giorno, abbiamo detto: “Adesso cosa facciamo?”, -
Nobody was around and no partisans had returned. They must have dispersed in all directions.
Nobody was around and no partisans had returned. They must have dispersed in all directions.
non c’era anima viva in giro, nessun partigiano era tornato indietro, nessuno da lì si vede che tutti erano scappati ma tutti da tutte le parti. -
We wondered if there were any wounded men or not.
We wondered if there were any wounded men or not.
Allora abbiamo cominciato subito e abbiamo detto: “Mah ce ne sarà o non ce ne sarà dei feriti?”. -
We looked around the house, and there was an English soldier with a bullet in his knee who was hiding in a wagon.
We looked around the house, and there was an English soldier with a bullet in his knee who was hiding in a wagon.
Eravamo in tutta la casa a vedere se c’erano dei feriti, infatti poi c’era un inglese che aveva una pallottola nel ginocchio dentro un carro di letame -
He was waiting for the dark in order to move or for somebody to go look for him.
He was waiting for the dark in order to move or for somebody to go look for him.
con della paglia sopra e aspettava che venisse sera per spostarsi e che qualcuno andasse a cercarlo. -
They put him and Gordon, who were wounded, in the house of a blacksmith, a sort of shop, and began taking them away at night.
They put him and Gordon, who were wounded, in the house of a blacksmith, a sort of shop, and began taking them away at night.
I due feriti, l’inglese e Gordon, li hanno messi in una casa di un fabbro, una specie di officina, li hanno tenuti lì poi hanno cominciato a spostarli sempre di notte a spostarli un pochino. -
They finally got them to Palanzano, in the province of Parma, from where they were taken to Florence by helicopter.
They finally got them to Palanzano, in the province of Parma, from where they were taken to Florence by helicopter.
E poi loro li hanno portati a Palanzano nel parmense e poi sono venuti con l’elicottero a prenderli e li portavano a Firenze. -
Then we had found this man in the house of a family nearby, hidden in a wagon.
Then we had found this man in the house of a family nearby, hidden in a wagon.
E questo ragazzo, questo ragazzo, eravamo solo noi due e questa famiglia che aveva dentro il carro -
He had been put there by some partisans, who had left him there.
He had been put there by some partisans, who had left him there.
questo uomo che avevano portato lì dei partigiani e l’hanno lasciato lì. -
We told the family we were looking for wounded men, and they told us they had one.
We told the family we were looking for wounded men, and they told us they had one.
E dice, noi siamo, noi cerchiamo dei feriti e loro han detto noi ne abbiamo uno. -
In the evening they offered to take us to Casola, on the road from Casina to Albinea.
In the evening they offered to take us to Casola, on the road from Casina to Albinea.
Dopo quando è stato sera, quando è stata quasi sera hanno detto noi vi portiamo su a Casola, che c’era la strada tra Casina e Albinea, -
There was a ditch there, where the crest of the mountain ended.
There was a ditch there, where the crest of the mountain ended.
e c’era proprio un dosso perché poi lì finiva la cresta della montagna -
You could go down the ditch, then back up to Valestra, but it was a very long way.
You could go down the ditch, then back up to Valestra, but it was a very long way.
e poi si andava giù perché si andava in fondo al fosso e poi si andava su a Valestra ma era tutta roba di chilometri e chilometri.