European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
as Beatrice who was 5 (she was born in 1939),
as Beatrice who was 5 (she was born in 1939),
la Beatrice che aveva 5 anni – era del ’39 – -
and they had bagged some things to save them if they came to burn the house.
and they had bagged some things to save them if they came to burn the house.
avevano insaccato tutto perché, se venivano a bruciare, perché non si sapeva se si salvasse qualcosa dall’incendio -
They arrested everybody.
They arrested everybody.
E dopo hanno arrestato tutti, -
They hadn’t found my father, they only caught him 7 or 8 days later, and sent him to a concentration camp in Germany.
They hadn’t found my father, they only caught him 7 or 8 days later, and sent him to a concentration camp in Germany.
mio padre non l’avevano trovato, l’hanno trovato dopo 7-8 giorni, l’hanno arrestato e mandato in campo di concentramento in Germania; -
They also went to the Aleotti family and arrested the youngest one,
They also went to the Aleotti family and arrested the youngest one,
gli Aleotti, son venuti anche da loro e hanno arrestato il più piccolo, -
a friend of Chico Catellani,
a friend of Chico Catellani,
che era un amico di Chico Catellani, -
and the oldest one – they only found those two – and sent them to Germany as well.
and the oldest one – they only found those two – and sent them to Germany as well.
e il più vecchio, perché han trovato quei due lì, e hanno mandato in Germania anche loro, -
The youngest one was like 16-17 years old.
The youngest one was like 16-17 years old.
il piccolo che aveva, non so, 17... 16-17 anni. -
That night from the Ghiardo we could see the fire in Scampate, since they were burning down all the houses like that.
That night from the Ghiardo we could see the fire in Scampate, since they were burning down all the houses like that.
E dopo quella sera lì noi dal Ghiardo vedevamo tutto il fuoco, si vedeva perché là c’era un po’ un’altura, tutto il fuoco che c’era a Scampate, che bruciavano tutte le case così. -
Strike on the 1st of March 1944
Strike on the 1st of March 1944
Lo sciopero del 1 marzo 1944 -
Then we organized the strike on 1st of March.
Then we organized the strike on 1st of March.
Poi abbiamo preparato lo sciopero del 1° marzo, -
There had already been some in other places.
There had already been some in other places.
che ce n’era già stato qualcuno anche da altre parti. -
I was a member of the committee who prepared the strike,
I was a member of the committee who prepared the strike,
Io ero in quel comitato lì dove abbiamo organizzato lo sciopero, -
we got together quite a few times,
we got together quite a few times,
già ci siamo riuniti per diverse volte, -
the last meeting was at my house.
the last meeting was at my house.
alla sera abbiamo fatto l’ultima riunione in casa mia. -
My father agreed, so we had the meeting and assigned the tasks.
My father agreed, so we had the meeting and assigned the tasks.
Mio padre, lui era d’accordo e abbiam fatto la riunione e ci siam designati i posti, -
Alberta and I got together early in the morning (we had already handed out all the leaflets)
Alberta and I got together early in the morning (we had already handed out all the leaflets)
noi, io e l’Alberta, eravamo d’accordo al mattino presto – già avevamo dato tutti i volantini – ma al mattino presto -
and went to Montecavolo, stopping by all the farmers’ homes who were milking the cows,
and went to Montecavolo, stopping by all the farmers’ homes who were milking the cows,
siam partite a andare a Montecavolo e ci siam fermate in tutte le case da contadini che erano là che mungevano le mucche -
and telling them “remember that there’s a strike later, after you take the milk to the dairy, join in”.
and telling them “remember that there’s a strike later, after you take the milk to the dairy, join in”.
a dirgli: “Vi ricordate che c’è lo sciopero dopo, quando avete portato il latte al caseificio, dopo non andate nei campi e venite allo sciopero”. -
“Alright, yes, we’ll be there”, they replied.
“Alright, yes, we’ll be there”, they replied.
“Va bene, sì, siam d’accordo”.