European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
and only when in 1939 the war began, the enlistments started.
and only when in 1939 the war began, the enlistments started.
poi, con l'inizio della guerra nel '39, cominciarono i reclutamenti. -
I was not enlisted until the end of 1940, so that we had two years of time for the illegal work.
I was not enlisted until the end of 1940, so that we had two years of time for the illegal work.
Venni arruolato a fine anni '40, così da poter lavorare illegalmente due anni come civile. -
Only when we had to enlist, where the alternative would have been going to a concentration camp,
Only when we had to enlist, where the alternative would have been going to a concentration camp,
Solo quando ci arruolammo (l'alternativa era il campo di concentramento), -
the work in the ‘Wehrmacht’ started and the attempt to form anti-fascist cells.
the work in the ‘Wehrmacht’ started and the attempt to form anti-fascist cells.
iniziò il nostro lavoro alla Wehrmacht e il tentativo di creare gruppi antifascisti. -
Like many others of us, I was enlisted to the ‘Wehrmacht’ after doing illegal work for nearly two years.
Like many others of us, I was enlisted to the ‘Wehrmacht’ after doing illegal work for nearly two years.
Dopo due anni di operazioni illegali, entrammo nella Wehrmacht. L'alternativa erano i campi di concentramento. -
We discussed what we were going to do; either refuse to accept the enlisting order,
We discussed what we were going to do; either refuse to accept the enlisting order,
Ci consultammo sul da farsi, ovvero se rifiutare l'ordine di arruolarsi, -
meaning torture and concentration camp or agree that we have more opportunities as soldiers.
meaning torture and concentration camp or agree that we have more opportunities as soldiers.
ma avrebbe significato tortura e campi. Come soldati avremmo avuto più libertà d'azione. -
That was our collective decision.
That was our collective decision.
Questa fu la nostra decisione. -
Being a recruit, I was in Bayreuth and there was an illegal group.
Being a recruit, I was in Bayreuth and there was an illegal group.
Da recluta, partecipai come soldato alla lotta antifascista. Ero a Bayreuth, dove c'era un gruppo illegale. -
A commercial traveller, an anti-fascist who commuted between the borders,
A commercial traveller, an anti-fascist who commuted between the borders,
Un commesso viaggiatore antifascista, che faceva sempre avanti e indietro per il confine, -
associated me with the anti-fascist group there.
associated me with the anti-fascist group there.
mi mise in contatto con il gruppo antifascista. -
For them I was a stranger, they wanted proof:
For them I was a stranger, they wanted proof:
Per loro ero uno sconosciuto. Volevano una prova -
How reliable is this man and what can he do?
How reliable is this man and what can he do?
di quanto fossi affidabile e di cosa sapessi fare. -
They said: “We need ammunition. Can you provide us with a box of hand grenades?
They said: “We need ammunition. Can you provide us with a box of hand grenades?
Mi dissero che avevano bisogno di munizioni: "Puoi procurarci una cassa di granate? -
We have explosives - but not enough - everything else is available!”
We have explosives - but not enough - everything else is available!”
Abbiamo l'esplosivo, non abbastanza, ma il resto c'è!" -
It was a tough job,
It was a tough job,
Fu molto difficile, -
but during a transport I put aside a box of hand grenades at the risk of loosing my life and let them know.
but during a transport I put aside a box of hand grenades at the risk of loosing my life and let them know.
ma durante un trasporto misi in disparte una cassa di granate, rischiando la mia vita. Poi li informai. -
Three days later the district recruiting office in Bayreuth was blown up with the entire file.
Three days later the district recruiting office in Bayreuth was blown up with the entire file.
Tre giorni dopo a Bayreuth, l'ufficio distrettuale di leva saltò in aria con tutto lo schedario. -
In the ammunition factory the most important machine was blown up and the most difficult:
In the ammunition factory the most important machine was blown up and the most difficult:
Nella fabbrica d'armi, la macchina più importante fu distrutta. La parte più difficile: -
on the air field we blew up two out of three machines.
on the air field we blew up two out of three machines.
nell'aerodromo, facemmo esplodere due macchine su tre.