European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Then we had to think about where to bring it.
Then we had to think about where to bring it.
Dopo c’era da pensare dove portarlo. -
We opted for the area of Biasola, where Fiorello and I lived, so that we could keep an eye on it.
We opted for the area of Biasola, where Fiorello and I lived, so that we could keep an eye on it.
Siccome lì alla Biasola nella zona mia ci abitavo io, Fiorello, c’era un gruppo di GAP che abitava lì, se lo portiamo vicino casa nostra così gli diamo anche un’occhiata. -
Finally we hid the curtain inside Villa Levi.
Finally we hid the curtain inside Villa Levi.
E lo abbiamo portato andando dentro Villa Levi. -
Sabotage at the airfield
Sabotage at the airfield
Sabotaggio all’aeroporto -
One night we stripped the machine guns from three airplanes in the airfield.
One night we stripped the machine guns from three airplanes in the airfield.
Abbiamo disarmato anche i tre apparecchi nel Campovolo una notte, -
Before we set the airplanes on fire we removed their three famous 7-7 guns, which were very powerful anti-aircraft weapons.
Before we set the airplanes on fire we removed their three famous 7-7 guns, which were very powerful anti-aircraft weapons.
però prima di farli saltare li abbiamo smontati, abbiamo smontato le tre mitragliatrici, la 7-7 famosa che era una mitraglia potente, cioè antiaerea. -
They were bolted to the bearings, in order to rotate,
They were bolted to the bearings, in order to rotate,
Lì erano bullonate sul cuscinetto, per girare, sul cuscinetto, -
but we took them down and then set the aircrafts on fire, all three of them.
but we took them down and then set the aircrafts on fire, all three of them.
le abbiamo smontate poi dopo abbiamo dato fuoco agli apparecchi, tutti e tre. -
The machine guns had no tripod though. Fiorello was very good in mechanical work.
The machine guns had no tripod though. Fiorello was very good in mechanical work.
E le mitragliatrici senza treppiedi... Fiorello aveva fatto lui e lui lavorava era molto bravo a lavorare di meccanica -
He had worked at Bagni’s in Via Toschi, manufacturing and repairing scales, he built the tripods himself.
He had worked at Bagni’s in Via Toschi, manufacturing and repairing scales, he built the tripods himself.
perché lavorava in via Toschi da Bagni che faceva le bilance, le fabbricavano, le aggiustavano, allora c’erano queste officinette che lavoravano. E lui era molto bravo -
Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.
Once he was stopped by a Black Brigade near the cemetery of Via Cecati while he was taking one home.
e infatti quando ne ha portato a casa uno gli l’ha fermato la brigata nera vicino al cimitero in via Cecati e gli dice: “Cos’è quell’aggeggio lì?”. -
They asked him what that thing was. He replied that he was taking that tripod to the dairy in San Bartolomeo.
They asked him what that thing was. He replied that he was taking that tripod to the dairy in San Bartolomeo.
“Eh – dice – questo è un treppiede che devo portare al caseificio a San Bartolomeo”, dice che per una scrematrice, -
Fortunately they let him go, since he had two guns on him.
Fortunately they let him go, since he had two guns on him.
dice il siero che dopo aver lavorato fatto il formaggio fanno dei travasi... -
I told him what would have happened if he was searched. He replied: “I would have done like Tomix (a movie hero fast with his guns)”.
I told him what would have happened if he was searched. He replied: “I would have done like Tomix (a movie hero fast with his guns)”.
“Va bene va bene, vai, vai”... E lui aveva due rivoltelle addosso e... e dico:“Fiorello se ti perquisivano?”. -
That’s how we always joked around.
That’s how we always joked around.
E dice: “Facevo il Tomix”, eh si scherzava così. -
The death of Fiorello
The death of Fiorello
La morte di Fiorello -
The Black Brigade, together with Germans, was going through the Ghiardo.
The Black Brigade, together with Germans, was going through the Ghiardo.
Cosa è successo, che sul Ghiardo si era incanalata la brigata nera con dei tedeschi... -
A twenty-year-old boy was walking on the road.
A twenty-year-old boy was walking on the road.
un ragazzo che camminava, un ragazzo, era un ventenne, -
He started running as soon as he saw the Black Brigade and the armoured vehicles.
He started running as soon as he saw the Black Brigade and the armoured vehicles.
che camminava sulla strada del Ghiardo, quando ha visto la brigata nera e gli autoblindi che arrivavano, -
He jumped over a hedge and ran into a small road towards the barn we were lying in in ambush.
He jumped over a hedge and ran into a small road towards the barn we were lying in in ambush.
è scappato attraverso, ha saltato la siepe e si è messo a correre attraverso i campi in campagna e ha infilato il viottolo che veniva nella casa dove eravamo noi nel fienile appostati.