European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
They were probably hiding there since the evening before,
They were probably hiding there since the evening before,
si vede che tutti quelli che sono passati alla sera hanno cercato la fuga -
when all of the others had escaped.
when all of the others had escaped.
e si sono nascosti dietro agli alberi -
Behind every tree was a German.
Behind every tree was a German.
e difatti dietro ogni albero c’era un tedesco: -
So we gathered them, hands up and put them into the schools.
So we gathered them, hands up and put them into the schools.
allora noi con le armi “Via via, avanti! Venite qua, venite qua!”. Pian piano venivano con le mani in alto e li mettevano dentro alle scuole, che c’è proprio la scuola di fronte alla strada che va a Bibbiano. -
"Falco" told me there was an order to go to Parma
"Falco" told me there was an order to go to Parma
Falco mi fa “E’ venuto l’ordine di andare a Parma”: -
but I and others told him: "I'm not going to Parma,
but I and others told him: "I'm not going to Parma,
io e altri tre o quattro, oramai eravamo già tutti uniti nel nostro distaccamento, gli ho detto “Io a Parma non ci vado -
I'm going to defend Reggio Emilia, not Parma!"
I'm going to defend Reggio Emilia, not Parma!"
perché io vado a difendere la città di Reggio, non di Parma!” -
I hated the partisans of Parma
I hated the partisans of Parma
Avevo già l’odio con i partigiani parmigiani -
because they had shot at us when we crossed the river on October 6th,
because they had shot at us when we crossed the river on October 6th,
che ci hanno sparato addosso mentre attraversavamo il 6 di ottobre, -
we have never been brothers with the partisans of Parma.
we have never been brothers with the partisans of Parma.
e con i parmigiani non siamo mai stati buoni fratelli. -
But there was nothing to do, we had to go to Parma: self-discipline.
But there was nothing to do, we had to go to Parma: self-discipline.
Niente da fare: bisogna andare a Parma. La solita cosa, autodisciplina: -
The order was to be respected.
The order was to be respected.
ti hanno detto che noi bisogna che andiamo a Parma, e andiamo a Parma. -
We left Quattro Castella passed Monticelli and arrived finally at Parma.
We left Quattro Castella passed Monticelli and arrived finally at Parma.
Parti da Quattro Castella, devii la storia dei cavalli, arriviamo a Monticelli, da Monticelli andiamo fino a Parma: -
We walked in line, slowly, looking at the beautiful landscape.
We walked in line, slowly, looking at the beautiful landscape.
in fila indiana si guardava la campagna, bella… -
We didn't fire one single shot.
We didn't fire one single shot.
Non abbiamo sparato un colpo! -
Everything was clean, clean, clean, there was neither a fascist nor a German, nothing.
Everything was clean, clean, clean, there was neither a fascist nor a German, nothing.
C’era pulito, pulito pulito, non c’era né fascista, né tedesco, niente! -
At the outskirts of Parma we met other partisans,
At the outskirts of Parma we met other partisans,
Allora siamo arrivati alle porte di Parma, lì abbiamo trovato qualche pattuglia di partigiani, -
they told us that there were snipers and to be careful.
they told us that there were snipers and to be careful.
ci hanno detto che c’erano i tiratori scelti però c’era da stare attenti. -
As we were there, a jeep of Americans came from the direction of Reggio Emilia.
As we were there, a jeep of Americans came from the direction of Reggio Emilia.
Mentre siamo lì che guardiamo arriva, diciamo dalla parte di Reggio, una jeep di americani, in due: -
We shouted at them to stop
We shouted at them to stop
allora abbiamo fatto segno “Fermo, fermo!”,