European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
It took many years before I had it worked out
that it weren’t the Germans as such – it were just the fascists.
But not all are German; they can be from anywhere, in other countries.
Discrimination of Slovenians after war
There were conflicts because I was a Slovenian.
I even had conflicts with other Slovenians.
They could not understand
why I had so much political interest and why I am for the Slovenes.
Well, the disappointment was big when the English came
and treated us like enemies again.
We weren’t even allowed to go to church without ID.
Even the English were quite discriminating.
When the English came to the farmer’s the first time,
armed and strict, I (being a child) thought:
‘Why does the war keep on, although it is over?’
We did not understand that there were still armed men coming to the house.
Although we knew the English to be our confederates and helpers,
it was a big disappointment later.
I still can’t understand why the English
let themselves be so influenced by the Nazis
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