European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
A group of partisans, about 20 of them
(a few were with us as well) went to the constabulary
and the town hall and took whatever they could do with.
At the constabulary they seized weapons and the type writers and stationery.
The country constables were having their evening meal
and unfortunately one was shot there, because he didn’t put his hands up.
One hand went to the pistol - he put the other hand up - and with that he risked his life.
The partisan first shouted: “Hands up!” which he didn’t do and so he was shot.
That was the first dead person in our house.
The field police occupied our house for 10 days, they all were regular SS men
and searched the village and the forest where they assumed the partisans to be around.
Of course they had already pulled back and disappeared.
Life in fear
They were very frightened – of course.
They heard when one was caught and another one…
We always thought: ‘hopefully that won’t happen to us’.
Everybody was living with fear at this time;
at home, as well. They did not know what was going to happen.
In our family: my brother fell in 1942 in Russia,
1943 they enlisted the second brother, 1944 I was arrested,
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