European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
So you needed these contacts, social ones or others.
He wanted this Marian Zieliński to come at a certain time and to a certain place so he could eliminate him.
Three of them went there. He lived at 69 Ogrodowa street.
Although it was my brother, and he seems to have been the commander of this group, they made a mess of it.
When this Zieliński opened the door they should have shot him and run away.
Without coming in and having a talk.
Jerzy drew his pistol and then Zieliński opened a drawer and drew his gun and fired at Jerzy.
The other mate of my brother’s was shot in the hand.
Instead of shooting back, one can do it with the other hand, this mate just turned round and rushed away.
Enraged, Zieliński saw Jerzy lying wounded or dead and ran downstairs, shooting at this mate.
That brought him to death, because the third man was standing in the gateway,
he was the smartest of them, this Andrzejczak.
I met him beforehand, because a couple of months before I had the pleasure to work with him on one sabotage job.
He waited, drew the pistol.
So with the gun in his hand he waited until the two appeared.
One was his friend, running away with a wounded hand; shouting:
‘I’m hit and ‘Ralf’ is dead I guess!’
So Andrzejczak yelled: ‘Fetch the horse cab!’ and waited for the other one.
Zieliński, with a gun still smoking, was chasing the first one.
Andrzejczak aimed and Zieliński aimed at Andrzejczak too,
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