European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Although personally, I of course had many doubts.
I had gone to study prior to WWII.
It was my great ambition to get an education because I sensed within myself, already early, the inclination to write.
I even wrote a few awkward verses.
I was aware that I could truly become a poet, in the correct sense of the word, with the appropriate education.
ANPPIA is an association set up in 1948
in Reggio Emilia which still holds documents concerning more than two thousand antifascists.
It’s a mission we’re really proud to carry out.
ANNPIA is the National Association of Persecuted Italian Political Antifascists,
and, whenever we can, we work to tell everyone about our stories.
The tough return home
I came home by train.
We left one morning and arrived at Lake Constance, in Switzerland.
As we got there, the train stopped working,
so we had to wait two days before we found another one.
It took us one and a half days to reach Como,
because everything had been destroyed and there was only one railroad track working.
Since there was no way to get to Milan, we had to spend two more days in Como.
When we finally reached Milan
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