European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
and she was sitting in the outer office of the German general in command!
She had access to all the files.
Everything that went to the general or that came from the general, even if it came from the ‘Fuehrer’, went through her hands.
That naturally was a source.
As she had direct connection to London, the way was shorter.
The connection worked in no time.
It did not take six weeks any more, but took fourteen days or three weeks
until the message moved back and forth – coded, of course.
Resistance in the German Wehrmacht
After the ‘Munich Agreement’ we had the 36 divisions, which marched into Czechoslovakia from all sides.
Bohemia and Moravia were encircled by ’Großdeutschland’.
At the beginning you worked as a civilian
and only when in 1939 the war began, the enlistments started.
I was not enlisted until the end of 1940, so that we had two years of time for the illegal work.
Only when we had to enlist, where the alternative would have been going to a concentration camp,
the work in the ‘Wehrmacht’ started and the attempt to form anti-fascist cells.
Like many others of us, I was enlisted to the ‘Wehrmacht’ after doing illegal work for nearly two years.
We discussed what we were going to do; either refuse to accept the enlisting order,
meaning torture and concentration camp or agree that we have more opportunities as soldiers.
That was our collective decision.
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