European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
The Germans mainly used them to liquidate the guerrillas, the Warsaw Uprising
and these people showed incredible cruelty. These were savage people.
They attacked the Stefanów village, where the 25th regiment was stationed,
nearby there was the village of Gałki, where the 72nd Regiment was, smaller, around 500 people.
So both these regiments fought a whole day battle with the Germans,
Defeat in Okecie
In 1943, I got into the Home Army.
So, unfortunately, I wasn’t fighting with my friends from scout times in the Warsaw Uprising,
because I was already a Home Army soldier, stationed at the 7th Infantry regiment called ‘Garłuch’ at Okęcie.
It turns out that the commander of the regiment, major ‘Wysocki’,
it was his pseudonym, his real name was Babiarz,
found out that the Germans had fortified the airport strongly.
They had collected a huge load of arms, machine guns and so on.
The Home Army had very few weapons, actually none.
We just had these grenades and our platoon had two machine guns from the WWI, without the feeders.
You had to insert each bullet separately into the barrel, because otherwise there was no shooting,
because we didn’t have those clips which work as magazines for the bullets.
The commander of the regiment, at 4 o´clock gave an order to not attack those hangars.
I don’t know why this order was not given at 1 or 2 o´clock.
And the ‘W’ hour (hour of attack) was at 5 o´clock.
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