European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
There was one of them sitting here and there, so they would have an overview.
In the evenings, we marched back around 5 o’clock.
We were counted again to check if all had come back.
After that we went back into the shack.
You always had to run to get your supper.
Sometimes there were stews, ‘Peluschken’ which were big beans
not everybody could take; or some other vegetable – those things.
A really bad thing was when there was roll call while the food was given out.
For the roll call you had to go out. So the food got cold -
and it didn’t taste any good anyway - and now you had cold food.
But you had to eat it to take something in.
Arrival in moor-camp, sport-harassment
When we arrived in the moor and got off, the constable,
who was accompanying us, said: “Poor boys.”
He knew what was going on in the moor.
We were then handed over to the SA.
It already started then – the yelling: “Face Left! Who steps out of line will be shot.”
That’s how we got to ‘Börgermoor’.
Then we were taken there by a narrow-gauge railway.
We were newly clothed
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