European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I had been lucky since I was assigned to go to Ligonchio with another comrade
to gather information on the Germans’ movements
and get some supplies to carry back up.
I would head up every night with bread, cheese, carrying the news, too.
Finally, after a few days, the Germans left...
First allied air-drop
We heard there was an airplane flying back and forth.
So we made a triangle with three stacks of fascines.
That was the code word, and we set in on fire.
The airplane was flying in a large circle of quite a few kilometres.
When they noticed the triangle they launched the parachute.
It was a remarkable air-drop.
Afterwards the comrades from Modena came to us saying they wanted the weapons.
We shared the guns with them, since there were 130-140 machine guns.
We were only around forty or fifty and had more than we needed.
From that day, the air-drops continued.
Without fear; trust in the partisans
Quite frankly, I didn’t feel in danger because I hadn’t been in the military.
I also had a lot of trust in the partisans.
I found myself in that house with this Russian,
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