European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
and forcing them to dig the mountain, build a horse-shoe in order to be able to get through:
those things you had to do with hoes, there were no bulldozers then.
Attempt to arrest a German marshall
One night we went to Acqua Bona with Carretti
and many partisans because we had to apprehend a German marshal
who was taking milk away from the farmers, sending it out to the headquarters in Busana.
The villages were full of people, the inhabitants had asked us to go take him.
Caretti ordered us to wrap up our shoes with some bags in order not to make noise,
but it didn’t work because the villages were full of shepherds and they had dogs.
The dogs heard us and started barking.
At that point the marshal came out with a soldier to see what was going on,
why the dogs were still barking.
We had put some mines on the road,
so that if we had to fight, the soldiers who came down from Nismozza would walk into the mines.
While the marshal was walking around to see what was happening, we solved the problem: he blew up on a mine.
We were supposed to take him alive, but we got him dead, the marshal and the soldier as well.
Then we had to back off of course.
First partisan action; arms, deportations, fear
After all these actions the Germans couldn’t allow us to continue any longer.
I guess at our headquarters they found out that there would be a mop-up.
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