European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
In our group were about fourty people, so we had far enough weapons.
Later on a local guy came and took all the surplus weapons and brought them away.
"Frigio" wrote right things about this episode, that the arms ...
I knew the weapons because I'd served in Yugoslavia,
I learned to handle them all, all kinds of weapons, antitank cannon, mortar,
I opened them, cleaned them,
taught the younger ones how to use them and how to keep them in good condition.
In Lama Golese there was a non-accessible power unit
and some charcoal makers’ huts and we went there.
We slaughtered a cow to eat it and I taught them to put it into the water to preserve it.
The water of the river was freezing cold so it could be preserved for about twenty days,
cut into pieces. There was some mud on top of it but it was good, anyway.
Many people didn't know what to do because there was no fridge, no dishes.
We were eating on a rock, nothing more than some polenta.
We were able to do it because we were young, if I'd do this now at my age I'd die in one week.
We were dressed poorly, the wardrobes were not as full as they are today.
It was freezing cold to that time, it was April 15th when we went up there and there was still snow.
We were dressed very badly, there were no ... It was hard.
We used to sleep in the huts of the charcoal makers huddled all together like pigs in order to keep ourselves warm.
Sometimes more people came up to Lama Golese, so eventually we started to form groups.
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