27 oct. de 12:05 to 00:27
Lubos Hasko changed 17 translations in English on Manager. Hide changes
  2. Forum


    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. About Manager
    About Manager

    About Manager

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Credit Notes
    Credit Notes

    Credit Notes

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Purchase Orders
    Purchase Orders

    Purchase Orders

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Join translation team
    Join translation team

    Join translation team

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. New Email
    New Email

    New Email

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Current Password
    Current Password

    Current Password

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. New Name
    New Name

    New Name

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. New Password
    New Password

    New Password

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You need active Internet connection to access this screen.
    It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You need active Internet connection to access this screen.

    It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You need active Internet connection to access this screen.

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Profile


    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Email address
    Email address

    Email address

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  1. It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You can access this page only with active Internet connection.
    It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You can access this page only with active Internet connection.

    It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You can access this page only with active Internet connection.

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You can access this screen only with active Internet connection.
    It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You can access this screen only with active Internet connection.

    It appears you are not connected to the Internet. You can access this screen only with active Internet connection.

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Download


    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Create New Business
    Create New Business

    Create New Business

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Import from Local Storage
    Import from Local Storage

    Import from Local Storage

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Import from Cloud Storage
    Import from Cloud Storage

    Import from Cloud Storage

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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27 oct. de 12:05 to 00:27