13 nov. ‘13 05:22
Tony Cammarata changed 1 translations in English on Manager. Hide changes
  1. Customer statements show details of outstanding invoices for accounts receivable collections and customer account reconciliation. After enabling this plugin a large icon for Customer Statements will be added to Settings.
    Customer statements show details of outstanding invoices for accounts receivable collections and customer account reconciliation. After enabling this plugin a large icon for Customer Statements will be added to Settings.

    Customer statements show details of outstanding invoices for accounts receivable collections and customer account reconciliation.  
    After enabling this plugin a large icon for Customer Statements will be added to Settings. 

    modifié par Tony Cammarata .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. Customer statements show details of outstanding invoices for accounts receivable collections and customer account reconciliation. After enabling this plugin a large icon for Customer Statements will be added to Reports.
    Customer statements show details of outstanding invoices for accounts receivable collections and customer account reconciliation. After enabling this plugin a large icon for Customer Statements will be added to Reports.

    Customer statements show details of outstanding invoices for accounts receivable collections and customer account reconciliation.  
    After enabling this plugin a large icon for Customer Statements will be added to Reports. 

    modifié par Tony Cammarata .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
13 nov. ‘13 05:22