21 nov. de 07:38 to 07:42
Lubos Hasko changed 11 translations in English on Manager. Hide changes
  1. Export data and reports to TSV (tab separated values) format. TSV formatted data and reports can be opened with spreadsheet applications such as MS Excel for further data analysis. By enabling Export, a button is added to all screens with tabular data displayed.
    Export data and reports to TSV (tab separated values) format. TSV formatted data and reports can be opened with spreadsheet applications such as MS Excel for further data analysis. By enabling Export, a button is added to all screens with tabular data displayed.

    Export data and reports to TSV (tab separated values) format. TSV formatted data and reports can be opened with spreadsheet applications such as MS Excel for further data analysis. 
    By enabling Export, a button is added to all screens with tabular data displayed. 

    modifié par Tony Cammarata .
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  2. Export data and reports to TSV (tab separated values) format. TSV formatted data and reports can be opened with spreadsheet applications such as MS Excel for further data analysis.
    Export data and reports to TSV (tab separated values) format. TSV formatted data and reports can be opened with spreadsheet applications such as MS Excel for further data analysis.

    Export data and reports to TSV (tab separated values) format. TSV formatted data and reports can be opened with spreadsheet applications such as MS Excel for further data analysis.

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Delivery Notes
    Delivery Notes

    Delivery Notes

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Delivery Note
    Delivery Note

    Delivery Note

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. New Delivery Note
    New Delivery Note

    New Delivery Note

    modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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  2. modifié par Lubos Hasko .
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21 nov. de 07:38 to 07:42