Project Activity

14 nov. de 02:05 to 14:14
Gunnar Geir changed 7 translations in Icelandic on Manager. See changes »
13 nov. de 09:37 to 21:38
braun-wzm changed 3 translations in German on Manager. See changes »
13 nov. de 08:16 to 20:16
Gunnar Michelson changed 2 translations in Estonian on Manager. See changes »
13 nov. de 05:01 to 17:09 changed 7 translations in Chinese, Hong Kong on Manager. See changes »
13 nov. de 12:37 to 12:38
Hennie Eerhart changed 3 translations in Dutch on Manager. See changes »
13 nov. de 11:20 to 11:20
3 translation were changed in English via the API on Manager. See changes »
13 nov. de 11:20 to 11:20
3 new segments were added to Manager via the API. See changes »
12 nov. de 04:15 to 16:15
Hennie Eerhart changed 2 translations in Dutch on Manager. See changes »
12 nov. de 10:05 to 10:06
Mahmoud.Sarhan changed 2 translations in Arabic on Manager. See changes »
12 nov. ‘23 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
11 nov. de 08:58 to 08:59
Rashad Bagirov changed 4 translations in Azeri on Manager. See changes »
10 nov. de 08:18 to 20:22
May changed 4 translations in Kurdish on Manager. See changes »
09 nov. de 07:54 to 08:02
Rashad Bagirov changed 12 translations in Azeri on Manager. See changes »
08 nov. ‘23 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
08 nov. ‘23 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
07 nov. de 04:51 to 16:52
anatawiranata changed 4 translations in Indonesian on Manager. See changes »
07 nov. de 07:22 to 07:31 changed 4 translations in Chinese, Hong Kong on Manager. See changes »
07 nov. ‘23 07:31 commented on a discussion: Manual on Manager.
07 nov. ‘23 07:26
Lubos Hasko commented on a discussion: Manual on Manager.
07 nov. ‘23 07:18 created a discussion: Manual on Manager.
07 nov. ‘23 07:00
WebTranslateIt deactivated an invitation for the project Manager because it wasn’t accepted in more than 3 months.
06 nov. de 10:43 to 22:47
braun-wzm changed 4 translations in German on Manager. See changes »
06 nov. ‘23 21:32
Lubos Hasko commented on a discussion: Manual on Manager.
06 nov. de 12:08 to 12:27
Zala changed 4 translations in Slovenian on Manager. See changes »
06 nov. ‘23 08:50
braun-wzm created a discussion: Manual on Manager.