Kurdish version of Debit Credit

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  1. Hbkurd Traducteur en kurde, sans droit de relecture

    Hello, I tried many words and the one that feels/is correct for all situations is:
    Debit: پێدراو (meaning the one who recieved the thing)
    Credit: پێدەر (meaning the one who gave the thing)

    پێدەر | پێدراو
    Cash | Capital
    Cash | Liabilities
    Expense | Cash
    Receivable | Sales
    Cash | receivable

                        پێدەر    |      پێدراو

    sales invoice 10
    receipt 10

    See for yourself, if you disagree and have another word, first try them in the above tables then comment

  2. Hbkurd Traducteur en kurde, sans droit de relecture

    Sorry I think the formatting messed up my table