U will like, receive an email wit some txt on how 2 liek... reset ur passwerd in a few min, kay? So just chillax till then, kay? Kay. <3
U will like, receive an email wit some txt on how 2 liek... reset ur passwerd in a few min, kay? So just chillax till then, kay? Kay.
3You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes. -
Ur passwerd was liek... changed!! U r nao liek.. signed in.((:
Ur passwerd was liek... changed!! U r nao liek.. signed in.((:
Your password has been changed successfully. You are now signed in. -
Change mah passwerddd
Change mah passwerddd
Change my password -
Oh noes!? did u like, forget ur passwerd? D:
Oh noes!? did u like, forget ur passwerd? D:
Forgot your password? -
Send meh stuff on how 2 reset mah passwerd plz! Kthxbye <3
Send meh stuff on how 2 reset mah passwerd plz! Kthxbye
3Send me reset password instructions -
U will like, receive an email tellin u how 2 confirm ur account in a few min. So just liek, chillax n watch netflix r somethin, kay? Kay.
U will like, receive an email tellin u how 2 confirm ur account in a few min. So just liek, chillax n watch netflix r somethin, kay? Kay.
You will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes. -
Ur account was like... confirmed!!! U r nao signed in!!! YAY! :DDD
Ur account was like... confirmed!!! U r nao signed in!!! YAY! :DDD
Your email address has been successfully confirmed. -
Resend meh teh stuff to confirm mah stuff plz.
Resend meh teh stuff to confirm mah stuff plz.
Resend confirmation instructions -
U have signed up n its all good bro. so like, if enabled, a thingy was sent 2 ur email, kay?
U have signed up n its all good bro. so like, if enabled, a thingy was sent 2 ur email, kay?
You have signed up successfully. If enabled, a confirmation was sent to your e-mail. -
Ur account was liek, updated!!! YAY! <33333
Ur account was liek, updated!!! YAY!
33333Your account has been updated successfully. -
Byez! Ur account was trashed. hope we c u again! peace out, cub scout! <33
Byez! Ur account was trashed. hope we c u again! peace out, cub scout!
33Bye! Your account was successfully deleted. We hope to see you again soon. -
U will liek, get an email tellin u how to unlock ur phone.. erm.. i mean account in a few min, kay?
U will liek, get an email tellin u how to unlock ur phone.. erm.. i mean account in a few min, kay?
You will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock your account in a few minutes. -
Ur account was liek, unlocked!!! U r nao signed in!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!
Ur account was liek, unlocked!!! U r nao signed in!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!
Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue. -
Resend the unlock stuff...
Resend the unlock stuff...
Resend unlock instructions -
Ur liek, invite was sent n ffuts...
Ur liek, invite was sent n ffuts...
Your invitation has been sent. -
sry bout this but, that invite token is liek, not valid... sry :\ u mad bro?
sry bout this but, that invite token is liek, not valid... sry :\ u mad bro?
Our apologies! That invitation token is not valid. -
Ur passwerd was like, set!!! U r nao signed in!!! OMFGBBQ YAAAAAYYYY! :DDDD
Ur passwerd was like, set!!! U r nao signed in!!! OMFGBBQ YAAAAAYYYY! :DDDD
Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in. -
OHAI! %{username}!
OHAI! %{username}!
Welcome %{username}! -
Ohai %{username}!!
Ohai %{username}!!
Hello %{username}! -
Stuff liek, tellin u how 2 confirm ur account n stuff...
Stuff liek, tellin u how 2 confirm ur account n stuff...
Confirmation instructions