Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
يرسل... -
You can use %{markdown_link} to format your post
You can use %{markdown_link} to format your post
Enter the image value
Enter the image value
أدخل القيمة الموجودة في الصورة -
Enter the code in the box:
Enter the code in the box:
أدخل الرمز في الصندوق -
The secret code did not match with the image
The secret code did not match with the image
الرمز السري لا يماثل الذي في الصورة -
The secret image and code were different
The secret image and code were different
الصورة السرية والرمز مختلفان -
Human verification failed
Human verification failed
فشلت عملية التحقق -
NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
NSFW ("غير مناسب للعمل") هو معيار مستقل يستخدمه مجتمع دياسبورا لتحديد المحتوى الحساس غير المناسب مشاهدته في مكان العمل. اذا كنت لتخطط لنشر هذا النوع من المحتوى بانتظام، رجاء حدد هذا الخيار ليتم اخفائه في ساحة المشاركات عن الاشخاص الذي لا يرغبون برؤيته. -
If you choose not to select this option, please add the #nsfw tag each time you share such material.
If you choose not to select this option, please add the #nsfw tag each time you share such material.
اذا لم تحدد هذا الخيار، استخدم وسم nsfw# عند نشر محتوا حساسا -
Mark everything I share as NSFW
Mark everything I share as NSFW
اجعل كل منشوراتي NSFW -
Conversations – Inbox
Conversations – Inbox
المحادثات - الوارد -
New conversation
New conversation
محادثة جديدة -
Invalid message
Invalid message
رسالة غير صالحة -
Couldn’t find them?
Couldn’t find them?
لم تجدهم؟ -
Use their diaspora* ID (username@pod.tld) to be sure to find your friends.
Use their diaspora* ID (username@pod.tld) to be sure to find your friends.
لتجد أصدقائك استخدم معرف دياسبورا (username@pod.tld). -
Still nothing? Send an invite!
Still nothing? Send an invite!
لاشيء؟ اذا أرسل دعوة!