Looks like you need to add some contacts!
Looks like you need to add some contacts!
Check out %{community_spotlight}
Check out %{community_spotlight}
Community spotlight
Community spotlight
Only sharing with me
Only sharing with me
Community spotlight
Community spotlight
Delete conversation
Delete conversation
%B %d
%B %d
%B %d
%B %d
%B %d %Y
%B %d %Y
Invitations have been sent to: %{emails}
Invitations have been sent to: %{emails}
The following email addresses had problems: %{emails}
The following email addresses had problems: %{emails}
You have no more invitations.
You have no more invitations.
Invite someone to join diaspora*!
Invite someone to join diaspora*!
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Send an invitation
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Powered by diaspora*
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Public diaspora* feed for %{name}
Public diaspora* feed for %{name}
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