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C'hwitet eo bet kemmañ an arventennoù heuliañ. -
User %{username} does not exist!
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a rank bezañ ennañ c'hwec'h arouezenn da vihanañ -
The invite link you provided is no longer valid!
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Al liamm pedadenn roet ganeoc'h n'eo ket mat ken -
Share this link with your friends to invite them to diaspora*, or email them the link directly.
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Ken-rannit al liamm-se gant ho mignoned evit pediñ aneho war disapora*, pe kasit al liamm dre bostel war-eeun. -
One invite left on this code No invites left on this code %{count} invites left on this code ZeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0No invites left on this code
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1One invite left on this code
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{count} invites left on this code
zeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0Ne chom pedadenn ebet ar ar c'hod-mañ ken.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : n in 0..1Chom 'ra %{count} pedadenn war ar c'hod-mañ.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything elseChom 'ra %{count} pedadenn war ar c'hod-mañ.
%{name} invited you to diaspora*
%{name} invited you to diaspora*
Pedet oc'h bet gant %{name} war diaspora* -
Hello! You have been invited to join diaspora* by %{user}! Click this link to get started [%{invite_url}][1] Or you can add %{diaspora_id} to your contacts if you already have an account. Love, The diaspora* email robot! P.S.: Just in case you don't know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] is the answer! [1]: %{invite_url} [2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}
You have been invited to join diaspora* by %{user}!
Click this link to get started
Or you can add %{diaspora_id} to your contacts if you already have an account.
The diaspora* email robot!
P.S.: Just in case you don't know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] is the answer!
[1]: %{invite_url}
[2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}Demat !
Pedet oc'h bet da zont war diaspora* !
Klikit war al liamm-mañ evit kregiñ
A galon,
Ar robot posteloù diapsora*
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