You can find %{update_instructions}.
You can find %{update_instructions}.
Du kan finde %{update_instructions} -
update instructions in the diaspora* wiki
update instructions in the diaspora* wiki
opdater instruktioner i Diasporas wiki -
We listed some %{faq} including some additional tips and tricks and solutions for the most common problems. Also feel free to %{irc}.
We listed some %{faq} including some additional tips and tricks and solutions for the most common problems. Also feel free to %{irc}.
Her er en liste af nogle %{faq} herunder nogle tips, tricks og løsninger på de mest almindelige problemer. Du er også velkommen til at %{irc}. -
FAQ for pod maintainers in our wiki
FAQ for pod maintainers in our wiki
FAQ for dem dervedligeholder en pod i vores wiki -
contact us on IRC
contact us on IRC
kontakt os via IRC -
Make diaspora* even better! If you find any bugs please %{report_bugs}.
Make diaspora* even better! If you find any bugs please %{report_bugs}.
Gør Diaspora endnu bedre! Hvis du finder en fejl så %{report_bugs}. -
report them
report them
indberet dem -
Inviter -
Unique identifier
Unique identifier
Unik identifikator -
This grants read-only access to your unique identifier.
This grants read-only access to your unique identifier.
Dette giver read-only-privilegier til din unikke identifikator. -
Full name
Full name
Fuldt navn -
This grants read-only access to your full name.
This grants read-only access to your full name.
Dette giver read-only-rettigheder til dit fulde navn. -
Brugernavn -
This grants read-only access to your username.
This grants read-only access to your username.
Dette giver applikationen read-only-rettigheder til dit brugernavn. -
Extended profile (Read-only)
Extended profile (Read-only)
Udvidet profil (read-only) -
This grants read-only access to your extended profile data.
This grants read-only access to your extended profile data.
Dette giver applikationen read-only-rettigheder til dine udvidede profildata. -
Profile picture
Profile picture
Profilbillede -
This grants read-only access to your profile picture.
This grants read-only access to your profile picture.
Dette giver applikationen read-only-rettigheder til dit profilbillede. -
Invite token
Invite token
Invitationskort -
There’s a new private message for you
There’s a new private message for you
Der er en ny privat meddelelse til dig
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